Chapter 26

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Heyyy peeps! How are you all doing? Yeah...I apologise for updating so late. Life of a college student is very hard, especially when a semester is about to end, and I know my fellow college mates would agree :D

Anywho, thank you all for patiently waiting for new chapters! Reading your thoughts on how you love reading this story makes my heart bloom. And the fact that this story was trending at Number 1 out of more than 4000 stories is a clear sign of that (I still can't believe that happened). So thank you <3 <3

I'll try my best to update this story in the wee days of July, so see you then!


After taking one last look in the mirror, Hermione picked up handfuls of her skirt to go downstairs with Lavender. Her heart was fluttering, and her stomach was feeling uneasy. Her nervousness was setting her right to the edge. She wished it could disappear so she wouldn't look all hassled.

The common room was partially vacant as the girls stepped into it. Ron was there, but Harry was nowhere to be seen, causing a pang of disappointment to go through Hermione.

But she still smiled at her other best friend. Ron was looking great in his new dress robes, which weren't hideous like his old ones. His mouth dropped open when he caught sight of Lavender.


"Do you like it?" Lavender giggled, twirling her dress to give him a show.

Ron's pale face reddened as he grinned. "You look beautiful. Gorgeous. Hey, you're dating me, right?"

Lavender laughed. Ron, moved by her joy, suddenly pulled her into his arms and kissed her so deeply that Hermione blushed and had to look away.

Around them, she saw couples uniting. Parvati descended the staircase to take Seamus's hand. Angelina was laughing at something Fred had said as he took her to the portrait hole. Katie Bell blushed when George caught her by the waist. Dean intertwined his arm with an unfamiliar girl.

By seeing all these couples who looked thrilled to be with each other, Hermione started to feel...lonely. She had no one waiting for her by the stairs or outside, no one offering his hand for her to take, no one telling her how beautiful she looked. She easily had the most elegant dress here, but what was its use if she didn't even have anyone to impress with it?

The dance hadn't even started, and Hermione felt like she was about to cry.

This was all Harry's fault.

"Wow, Hermione. You clean up nice," Ron commented, breaking into her thoughts. She gave him a half-hearted smile. "Thanks. You look good, too."

"Yeah. Thank Merlin for that. Or Fred and George. Still can't imagine I'd have something decent to wear..."

"You okay?" Lavender asked Hermione as Ron blabbered on.

"Yes, yes. I'm fine."

Lavender sighed, not convinced by Hermione's response. She couldn't help but feel sorry for her friend, who looked so beautiful and amazing but didn't have a date despite that. The only thing Lavender could do now was hope Harry would make up for what he was doing to Hermione.

Hermione was feeling sorry for herself, too. But that only increased her determination to confess to Harry. Maybe, by the end of the day, she could have more than what she was witnessing here...

"Where's Harry?" she asked Ron, interrupting his blather.

"Went with Neville to pick up their Ravenclaw dates." Ron glanced at his watch. "Let's go."

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