Chapter 27

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Hello, everyone! I hope you all are going splendidly about your lives. My exams just finished (Whew!) and I've finally gotten a much-needed two-month break! Yayyy.

As always, thank you for patiently waiting for the update! Hopefully, if fate allows me, the next chapter would be posted this Sunday. Now that I don't have uni looming over me, I have more time to write and edit. See you then!


They introduced intervals in a strange way. Upon Umbridge's instructions, a house-elf was made to climb a long pillar and hit a tuning fork, magically altered to sound even louder, so its noise could travel across the vast Great Hall. It seemed unnecessary – and cruel because Hermione knew some house-elves did not like heights. Winky had taught her that much.

She had initially planned to excuse herself from Theodore the minute these intervals were announced. But now, for some strange reason, she lingered by his side, not wanting to abandon him.

Theodore immediately noticed the stark change in her behaviour and smirked playfully. "So, you're not going to meet up with your mates. For better company, maybe?"

Hermione sighed in a fed-up tone but also couldn't look at him. "They're all busy."

That part was at least true. Ron and Lavender were still locked in a slow dance, absent in their own world, Neville and Luna seemed to be engaged in a personal conversation that Hermione didn't want to interrupt, and Harry was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm very thirsty," she informed Theodore, adjusting her skirt. "Do you want anything to drink –"

"Later," Theodore cut in before grinning with a glint in his eye. "I want you to meet the Squad first."

Hermione's mouth dropped open.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah! Let's go meet them!"

Theodore clearly didn't know how much rivalry Hermione had with his squad. But how could he not? Was he stupid?

"No, Theodore. That is NOT a good idea."

"Oh, come on. Nothing bad will happen."

Hermione shook her head and started backpedalling. But Theodore was quicker. He grabbed her hand, forcing her to remain still.

"Nothing bad will happen," he repeated, his eyes drilling hers.

But Hermione didn't share his views. Not at all. She hated Malfoy and his snobby group, and nothing would make her approach them on amicable terms. Nothing.

So, it wasn't a surprise that she had gained a sudden urge to get away from Theodore.

"This isn't a good idea," she said, tugging at his hand to free hers, "I'll go. I think Harry's calling me."

It wasn't true. She couldn't see Harry anywhere. But that was the first excuse she came up with.

At the mention of Harry, Theodore frowned.

"Oh, yeah? Where is he?" he challenged her.

Dear Merlin...

"He just left the Great Hall." Hermione shrugged as nonchalantly as she could. "I guess he wants me to follow him."

For some reason, she loved bothering Theodore with Harry's name.

"You're not going anywhere with Potter. Not tonight," he declared, squeezing her hand in anger. "Now, let's go meet my friends."

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