My Girl

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Hey. I don't know if anyone is actually reading these but umm if you are reading my stories, hi love you! Anyways, this is another story that is being typed as it pops into my head. Umm so yeah, cool.


A/n: very very small mention of SA. I mean very very small. Like 1 or 2 lines.

Me and Carl have been friends ever since my small group showed up to Alexandria. So long I don't even know the amount of time its been. We have a love hate relationship though. Sometimes we get together really well and other times we are fighting like crazy but I still care about him. We're currently walking outside the walls. The woods have always been somewhere that I pay attention twice as good.

"Kira, let's go search that shed." Carl sais and pointed it out.

"Yeah, okay sure." I said.

Searching ment walkers. Walker ment fighting. Fighting ment looking out for other dangers.

Having to fight walkers was the worst. But fighting them in a small place was even harder. The smaller the area the less places to hide.

"...Kira? You coming?" Carl called to me at the door.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I said.

"It's okay love." Carl trailed off and headed into the shed.

Love? He's never called me that before. Shit. Pay attention Kira. I went into the shed and luckily there was only two walkers. Carl took care of them.

"Start looking for anything useful. Medicines, food, clothes. You know." He said raiding a cabinet.

"Anything in specific?" I said with my head in a lower floor cabinet.

"Pain meds. Gauze, neosporin. I don't know. Important things. Anything really." He said in an irritated tone.

"Okay, sorry."

I didn't like making Carl mad at me. Having him mad at me ment he'd ignore me for hours on end and then act like it never happened the next day.

Looking through one of the cabinets I found only three bottles of ibprophine, one gauze, and some beans in a can. Just as I was gonna close the cabinet door I noticed something shiny. A handle. Pulling on it revealed it to be a small metal box.

"Carl." I said. "Look." Showing him the box.

He turned to me. "Whoa. What is that?" He grabbed the box looking at it.


We both spun around. In our eye view there were two men. One tall with dark hair, slicked back. The other shorter, bald. Me and Carl instantly hid behind the counter.

"Shh." Carl whispered.

I nodded. Our faces less than a foot apart. I'd never been this close to him before. His eyes were a beautiful ocean blue. Freckles scattered across his cheek and over his nose to the other cheek. Dark curls framed his face about shoulder length. His hat perched ontop his head.


I jumped a little. "Really!?" One man said. "You're gonna get the biters near us!"

"I'm so sorry sir. I won't do it again." The other man said.

"Not if you don't got that damn safety on!" The first man sneared.

Carl moved and his bag knocked over a cup on the counter. Great. Thanks Carl.

"Hey! Who's over there!?" The first man yelled.

I looked at Carl. He shook his head. I stayed hunkered down by the counter. Carl stood up. Wait. What the fuck Carl!? Are you trying to die!?

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