Can you diet ?

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There was a middle-aged woman who was very fat and wanted to lose weight.  He had tried all kinds of fad diets, but none of them worked.  There was no question of exercise as she was too lazy and lacked the will to force herself to eat less.

   One day, she was reading through a magazine when she found an advertisement for diet pills.

   "Weight Loss Guaranteed in Just Two Weeks!"  Advertisement said.

   The company was selling diet pills on the Internet, so the woman decided to order a month's supply.

   A few days later, she received a package in the mail.  When she opened it, she was surprised to see that there were only twelve big bullets in it.  The instructions state that she should take one tablet in a month with a glass of water and after that she should avoid spicy food or drinking alcohol.

   The woman put the diet pill in her mouth and swallowed it.  A few days later, he noticed that his appetite had completely disappeared.  He was not hungry at all and even though he had not exercised, he was losing weight.

   As the days passed, she quickly started losing more and more weight.  In no time, she was admiring her slim new body in the mirror.  The change was surprising.  She had gone from a pear shape to an hourglass shape in no time.

   Unfortunately, the diet pills proved to be more effective than he expected.  Even though she was below her target weight, she kept getting thinner and thinner.  Soon, she felt tired and weak and had severe abdominal pain.

   The pain eventually became so intense that he was forced to go to the hospital.  A doctor examined him and panicked.  After taking an X-ray of her abdomen, he asked her if she had eaten anything strange recently.

   "No," replied the woman.  "I've hardly eaten anything since I started taking my diet pills..."

   The doctor asked to see the bottle of pills.  He broke a capsule and brought the contents to the laboratory for analysis.

   When he returned he had bad news for the woman.

   The diet pills contained eggs of a tapeworm.

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