"The moon is quite lovely tonight, isn't it?" ( They reject you ) 🌙🥀

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Have I told you that you look amazing today? 😁

..Oh you're on the toilet? Nevermind- 🚶🏾‍♀️

All jokes I swear. Whether you're on the toilet or not you look lovely today.

Moving on-

How would they react to you confessing your love to them by saying "The moon is quite lovely tonight, isn't it?" 🤔

For those who don't know, the phrase in Japanese could also mean I love you ( But you probably already knew that huh- )

We'll also be having Kagaya Ubuyashiki as a special guest hehe~


Giyu Tomioka

Giyu would sigh at your confession. He knows the meaning behind your words ( he may be a little slow at times when it comes to things like this but he's not illiterate ) and'll just kinda not respond. He feels bad but this is the only way he can get his point across.

- I see him just staying silent and over all ignoring your question


Obanai Iguro

Obanai wouldn't even play along, he'd just outright reject you. He doesn't have the time for little antics like this and with his feelings for Mitsuri, he never saw you as anything more than a colleague.

- I see him being quite rude with his rejection

"I don't have time for this, Y/n. Go busy yourself with something instead of wasting my time."

Mitsuri Kanroji

Mitsuri would obviously assume you're confessing to her when you say this. I mean it's in her nature! But she feels bad. She loves Obanai but she doesn't want to break your heart.

- I see her trying to reject you in the nicest way possible

"I-! The moon is quite lovely, yes, but-! Uh-! It's also..cloudy?"

Shinobu Kocho

Obviously Shinobu knows the meaning behind your words. She's been observing you for a while now so there was no room for misunderstandings. However, she's just not ready for a relationship. With her goal to avenge her sister and all..

- I see her answering it calmly, her false smile plastered on her face with no sign of visible emotion to give anything away

"On the contrary, I actually think it looks quite cloudy tonight.."

Sanemi Shinazugawa

Sanemi probably wouldn't know what you're trying to say so unless you drops some like really ( really ) good hints I don't see him catching on. When he does however, he'll be blunt with his rejection.

- I see him being straight to the point

"I don't like you, Y/n."

Kyojuro Rengoku

Kyojuro is also someone who probably wouldn't get your confession. You'd either have to drop hints or just confess to him outright for him to get it. When he realizes you're confessing, he'd be all awkward. He'd feel bad for rejecting you.

- Like Mitsuri, I see him rejecting you in the nicest way he can or just avoiding the topic in general

"I'd have to disagree! I think it's quite dark out tonight!"

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