22. Merry Christmas & happy new year

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Will and I spent a week with Eddie and the boys before flying home. A week later Eddie flew home from Toledo. He was exhausted and ready for his break.

Which was spent most of the time getting ready for Christmas which was approaching fast.
We were pretty excited because this would be the first year that Will actually understood the concept of Santa. We had even taken him to see a mall Santa and get his picture taken. Sadly we ended up not getting a picture because the minute we got close to Santa Will grabbed a hold of Eddie's neck with a death grip and started screaming. We tried everything to convince him that Santa was nice, but he was having none of it. I even trying to hold him to calm him down but he just clung tighter to Eddie. Not wanting to scar the child we decided to go on our way.

I kept having to make more batches of Christmas cookies because we would make some and i swear with in a day and half they would all be gone. Which Eddie thought was hilarious till I threaten to hide his stash to keep him from getting the munchies. He seemed confident that I didn't know where it was hidden as until all so said was "bet."

We spend the majority of our Christmas Eve with Wayne having a big dinner and exchanging gifts because he had to work in the morning. He was still upset that he couldn't watch Will open his gifts from Santa.

After we bathed and got Will into his pajamas we got him to sprinkle reindeer food on our balcony. When we told him it was to feed Santa reindeer while Santa left presents his response was "no, no Santa. Lock doors."

"Why do you think he hates Santa?" Eddie Asked when I came out of Wills room.
"The concept of some one coming into our home while we sleep. I get it." I said with a shrug.
"Can I eat the cookies now?"

"Yes just little bit. Make it look like he only nibbled." He mumbled how that's not fair and I reminded him there were more cookies in the kitchen. It only took us a few minutes to set up the gifts under the tree and we headed to bed.

It felt like we had just fallen asleep when Eddie woke me up.
"Cara." I groaned and rolled over.
"Cara, can I go wake Will up."
"Don't you dare."
"I can't sleep any longer."

Few moments of silence later you hear him sigh heavily.
"Cara." He whispers, I sigh in defeat.
"If you go make coffee I'll get up." I finally give in knowing I can't fight it. He is to excited, which warms my heart. He never had the best childhood so when it came to making Wills childhood they best it could be he was all about it. I was happy to let his inner child run wild. And in all honesty who can say no to those big brown eyes. Only reason I lasted this long was because I hadn't opened my eyes. Catching a few more minutes of sleep while the coffee brewed. I hear him enter the room and I peak my eyes open he is kneeling next to the bed with a huge smile on his face.

"Merry Christmas!" He says holding mistletoe over my head.
"Merry Christmas baby." I say before he leans down and kisses me.

Setting the coffee down on the night stand he walks off to Will's room. Forcing myself to get up and walk to the living room so I can see wills face when he first sees the tree. When Eddie comes out Will has his head buried in his hair.

"Will look what Santa left!" I say and he sleepily lifts his head. His eyes taking a moment to fully look around before widening. Climbing down and walking over to me asking to be picked up. Instead I sit on the floor and pull him onto my lap.

"Did Santa bring you these? Do you want to open one?" I ask and he nods. Eddie handing him a small present. He tears into the wrapping paper barely looking at the stuffed animal gift before he gets up and starts tearing into more presents.

"Eddie, do you see that tall one? That's yours from me and Will." He becomes giddy as he pulls it out from behind the tree and tears into the paper. Inside was a square hard guitar case.
"You got me a guitar?" he asks but I say nothing waiting for him to finish opening it. Inside was a 1959 Les Paul cherry sunbust. His jaw dropped.

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