7. Hit the gas

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It's been the greatest week of my life. Well, six days. Six days of seeing Cara everyday. Most of the time one of us would pick up lunch and spend time with each other on her lunch break or In her apartment.  Eating, Singing and dancing around to music, stealing a few kisses. Tomorrow would be a week and gearing up for another show and having already talked to Red. I couldn't wait to see her again. But getting a phone call at one in the morning was something I wasn't expecting.

"Hello?" I croak still half asleep. Before any voice responds I hear Will screaming in the background.

"Cara?!" I am instantly wide awake.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have waken you up but I don't have any one else to call and-" I cut her off.
"Give me one second" slamming down the phone, grabbing my keys and jacket before running back to my room throwing open my closet grabbing something and running out the door.

  Doing about 80, it takes me almost no time before parking the van in front of the store. Making a mental note thanking what ever is out there that hopper and his crew hadn't seen me driving. I didn't need another speeding ticket.

Taking the steps two at a time, I could hear will still screaming. Pounding on the door I'm surprised the neighbors didn't open her door to yell at me. The door flew open and Cara stood there tears streaming down her face holding a cherry red screaming will. My heart sunk further.

"What's wrong?" I ask walking threw the door. She looked me up and down and I realize it must be an unusual sight. I had forgot to grab and shirt. So standing there in pajamas pants no shirt and leather jacket holding onto a small teddy bear I had bought Will earlier that day.

"I'm sorry for scaring you it's nothing. You shouldn't have come. Really it's nothing I'm sor-"
Cutting her off again "Cara what is wrong"

" he is teething and I have a migraine. I can't soothe him. His own mother can't soothe him" she breaks down in sobs again.  My heart breaks. Lifting the child from her arms,adjusting him to my hip and pulling her in with my other arm I kiss the top of her head.
"Go to take some Tylenol and go to bed. I got this" I squeezed her shoulder. She goes to say something and my lips form a thin line and I shake my head.
"Go." Her eyes fill with tears and she nods, heading in the kitchen. I turn my focus on the mad baby in my arms.

"Hey dude. Giving mom a hard time?" After she is in her room Slipping off my jacket juggling the kid took a moment. Heading over to the couch I see a pacifier on the table, offering it to the kid as I sit down on the couch.

"Ok little dude I don't have much experience with babies but we are going to do our best right? Let mom get some rest and feel better. Deal?"  I talk to Will as he takes the pacifier, Taking it but still crying around it. Laying down tucking his head under my chin I start to hum the song I always her Cara sing to him when she wants him to fall asleep. My fingers strum along his back like I was playing it on the guitar

"Carry on, my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more"
I start to sing low just above a whisper. Hoping the vibration from my voice helps soothe him. By the end of the song he was silent. By the second time singing it he was asleep. Getting up from the couch proved difficult trying not to wake the sleeping child and laying him in the play pen was even more so.

Guess I'm sleeping here tonight. I think heading back to the couch

"Eddie....Eddie... it's all your fault Eddie." A deep rumbling voice sounds off.
The flapping of wings... the screeching...my throat constricting....
"How dare you forget... you can not forget me... I am all powerful." Sharp stinging pain... ripping...tearing....

I sit up frantically. Covered in sweat.
It was just a dream. A nightmare. I put my hand to my chest and touch my biggest scar. I look around. I'm still in Cara apartment. Will. Getting up I walk to the play pen. Relief washing over me as he is still asleep. Still breathing.  Walking to the bathroom I splash my face with water.

It was just a dream.

The sun is just starting to rise. Cara will be up soon. Feeling my chest again. I don't want her to see the worst of the scars. My jacket covers the worst of them. Grabbing it and putting it on I head to her room. I have to leave. I have to get ready for tonight.

He didn't have to be ( eddie munson )Where stories live. Discover now