2. Careless nights

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Neighbors banging on your door is not an ideal alarm clock. And yet here I am. Waking up to the sound of Mrs. Mcnealy. Throwing off the covers and looking around for a pair of shorts.

Bang bang bang

"I'm coming!" Running to the door while button up a pair of cut off and throwing the door wide open.

"Cara you do know what time it is don't you? Your going to be late!" Mrs. Mcnealy chastised.
" I'm sorry Mrs. Mcnealy. I was up all night again." I quickly say as i slid past the greying neighbor.

"I know. I heard." I reply with a look that says im sorry.

" everything is all ready for him. And my shift will be done at noon. If you need anything I can lock up if I need to and come up"  yelled as I sprinted down the stairs. Opening the door I yell over my shoulders "thank you Mrs. Mcnealy!"

Once in the store i barely have a minute to breath when the bell dings and the first customers start to flow in. With a look over my shoulders I say my usual greeting. Only to see some one who I thought would have left town by now. Eddie munson. The only person to possibly be having a harder year then me. He looks tired but still has a smile on his face. How? I don't know. I don't think I have ever seen him with out a smile before. That's how I knew all that talk the past months weren't true. Granted i never ran in the same crowd. But I had never said a bad word to each other before. I probably have never said any words to each other before.

Walking behind the counter and grab the keys to the cash register.
"Is there anything I can help you with Eddie?" I say with your best costumers service smile. He looked over his shoulder confused then replied.
"Ugh... yea... how do you know my name?" He ask. It was hard to hold back a laugh.

"Your kind of hard not to know of. Especially lately. Plus we are also in the same graduating class. That's if they had held a ceremony." I replied. He took a moment to study my face then i could see in his eyes the dawning moment when he recognized me.

"Cara James. You left before school a few months after the star court mall fire."
"Yea moved in with an aunt for a bit. Came back about four months ago. When all hell broke loose" I could see a blush rise on his face as I finish my sentence.

Probably shouldn't have said that.

"What can I get for you?"
"Do you have the newest Iron Maiden tape?" I nod and turned to walk the the correct area and quickly grabbing the tape. Turning quickly back to the register to only bump into the long haired guy.
"Oh sorry" he mumbled. I just smiled softly.

As I ring up the tape and start the exchange he strikes up a conversation.

"So you must listen to a lot of music to work here" nodding in agreement.
"You listen to metal?" He asks.

"I tend to listen to everything metal, glam rock, southern rock. Do I even dare say pop and country?" I say raising an eyebrow. His smirk widen into a full blown smile.

"Hey no shame! I love metal but if it's playing I won't not listen. Music is music. Take my band we are a metal band but when playing gigs well play just about anything to get the crowd's heart in it"

"Your in a band how cool." I couldn't help smiling. His was infectious.

"Ya we are actually playing tonight. If you want to come. I'd love to see you out there" my smile starts to falter. I would love nothing more then to go out for a night. Listen to live music. Even be with a guy who seems so easy to be around and is quick to smile.

" I- I wish I could but- I am- I really wish I could but" stumbling over my words, causing his smile to falter for a half a second.

"Hey it's ok. Sometimes we just can't. There is always another time" he says as I hand him his change. As he turns I can see the hurt in his eyes.

"Really if I had more notice. I would have loved to come" I say softly. He turns back to you eyes hopefully once again.
"Another time." He says as he walks out the door all smiles again.

A careless night out. What i wouldn't give to have one careless night out. But a few careless nights out are exactly why I couldn't go. Not that I would change what happened. Not the past fourteen months. Especially the last five months. All the hardships in the world wouldn't make me regret these past five months. Nothing would make me regret him. The rest of my shift passes quickly, lost in thought. Before i knew it my replacement came and I was making my way up the stairs back to him.

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