5. Spark plugs and butterflies.

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After a late night it was ideal to sleep in. Till at least noon. But at the crack of ten a.m a phone call woke up a very tired eddie. Seeing how he didn't get home till almost three the phone call was not very welcomed. But on the other end was a friend in need.

So here I am. Up way to early. A little on the cranky side at the auto shop, waiting for a tow truck to bring me Steve's car. After a half hour they finally arrive. Steve and Dustin climbing out of the trucks cab.

" hey thanks again man. Me and Dustin were heading to pick Max and Lucas up and it just stalled." I raise one eyebrow.

"You sure you didn't run over a giant branch again and crack the oil pan.... Again"

"Hey it was once!" I hold up two fingers,
indicating that it happened twice. Tying the arms of my jump suit around my waist, leaving my white cut off shirt on to hopefully keep me cool while working on the BMW. Popping the hood I get to work. Ever since becoming friends with Steve I have worked on his car more then I had my own van. He says it's because he trusts me not to do unnecessary work.

Dustin walks around to stand next to me starting on his usual thousand questions. What's this? What does that do? Think that's why it's broken? I feel bad for the kid. His dad not being around to teach him this stuff. At least I had my dad before he went to jail. But in all honesty my uncle taught me almost everything I know about cars. And luckily his friend Stan let's me use his shop when I need to work on a car.

It only take a few minutes before I diagnosed the problem. Steve needs new spark plugs. As I go to lower the hood some thing catches my eye. The record store across the street. Cara was outside. Sitting on the steps playing what looked like peekaboo with her son. Dropping the hood a little harder then intended too causes her head to snap up and look my way.

"So what's wrong with it?" Steve asks. Not bothering to look at him I am to focused on the soft smile and tiny wave she sends over when her eyes meet mine.

"Eddie?" Steve tried to catch my attention again. I send a wave back to her. When I finally turn to Steve and looking where my attention had just been.

"Sorry. Need a new set of spark plugs. Give till after lunch and I should be done." Turning to head into the office to see Stan about some spark plugs. Not really wanting to head to the auto part store.

Sadly Stan didn't have what i needed so a quick trip to the auto part store and an hour later I had almost finished Steve's car when I heard a knock on the hood. Looking up to see a pair of green eyes and vibrant smile. Dropping my tool and stumble over a greeting.

"Hey your self. Didn't know you worked at Thatchers."
"Oh I don't. He just lets me use a space when I need." I turn my attention to the little dude on her hip.

"Hey bud. Keeping mom company today." I wiggle my oil covered finger at him and he swats at it and giggles.
"Ya I have the day off." She says swinging her arm. That's when I notice a brown paper bag with what looks to be a greasy spot.

" what's in the bag?" I ask and she turns red.
"Um, well it's lunch time and we went to the diner down the block. And I thought you could use some lunch. So I got a burger and fries" she held out the bag I front of her. My stomach flipped and warmth spread in my chest.

"Oh wow thanks!" I take the bag and set it on the rolling cart behind me. Grab my tools and close the hood of the car. Walking to the office door and knocking.
"Steve cars done!"

Grabbing the bag and walking with Cara to the car port opening and sitting on the side of the building. I happily tear into the lunch.

"Thanks for the food. Didn't get to eat breakfast before Steve called me" like he was summoned Steve walks around the corner.
"Hey what i owe you is in the counter inside. Oh hey Cara. Who's this?" He bends down eye to eye with the Baby and smiles.
"This is Will." I say with a mouthful of food. I was starving. Looking over at Cara here eyes glued to the baby. I could practically see hearts in them. But the baby's eyes were glued to the French fry in my hand.

"Sorry dude think your a little to small
For fries." I say making Cara laugh. There it was again. Stomach flip and warmth spreading. I could listen to that laugh all day.

"How old is he?" Steve asks Cara.
"Just turned 5 months" Steve was about to stay something when Dustin came around the corner.
"Ready to go Steve?" He asks adjusting his hat. And Steve nods.
" hey Eddie we still on for Tuesday D&D campaign?"
" yup putting the finishing touches on it later" I say as I feel something swat at my arm. Looking down I see a chubby hand swinging. The five month old practically leaning out of his moms arms.

"I think he want you to hold him." She says quietly. Inside I start to panic.
"Oh-um-I'm kind of greasy I don't think that's the best idea."

"Nothing a bath can't fix. If you want to hold him you can" I swallow thickly. I Wipe my hands on my pants and she sets him on my lap. Putting my hands under his armpits to keep him steady. He looks up at me and coos. Looking over at Cara and her eyes are smiling. That's when I realize. I am way out of my depth. And I am in deep trouble. All I know is these two are going to have be wrapped around their fingers. And I couldn't care less. Looking back down at the little guy a smile grows on my face.

"Hey there little buddy."

He didn't have to be ( eddie munson )Where stories live. Discover now