13. Date night⚠️

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Will was teething again and his refusal to sleep was to the point coffee's no longer had the effect on me. So when some one knocked on my door Saturday morning at six am, I was ready to go on a war path.

"I swear to god if you wake this baby." I threaten as I swing the door open and stop dead in my track.  Dark eyes shining in laughter at my threat and a cup of coffee extended out to me, was Eddie. Home a whole day early.
"Oh my god your home!" Throwing my arms around him almost knocking the coffee cup out of his hands.

"When? How?"
"I took a red eye flight last night and Wayne picked me up when he got off work thought I would surprise you." Kissing him deeply before responding.

"I'm very surprised." Pulling him inside and into another hug, snuggling my face into his neck, and sighing.

"Tired?" He asked.
"Yes, Will is teething again and isn't sleeping he just went to sleep at 3." Settling the coffee cup in the table.

"How about we go to bed for a bit till he wakes up. I'm exhausted too. Been up for almost 24 hours. " he says grabbing my hand and leading me into the bedroom. Jumping into bed while he strips. When he climbs into bed he pulls me against him and the little spoon.
"I'm so glad your home." His only response a snore directly in my ear.

What feels like fifteen minutes later, we woke to squeals of a happy little boy.
"Dada!" I could see Eddie peak an eye open and look over at the squealing baby in the crib. A small tired smile forming on his lips.

"How about you sleep a little longer while I get him breakfast." I get up and pick will up but as we walk out the door his happy squeals becomes infuriated wails and calling for his "dada".
"Bring him here. I'll cuddle him while you make his breakfast."
"You sure? Your tired."
"Just bring him here. He missed me." He says as I walk over and will practically leaps out of my hands.

"Hey buddy did you miss me?" Eddie says giving the baby a hug and I walk out of the room.
Ten minutes later waking into the room to retrieve the baby for his breakfast, Eddie had fallen back asleep with his arms around will, and will was happily playing with Eddie's hair.
"Come on buddy let him sleep." Picking up the baby, Eddie peaked his eyes open again and smiled.

The majority of our morning was spent being lazy around the apartment, and when it was nap time for will at noon, Eddie fell back asleep with will on his chest as I got some packing done. When they woke up Eddie Carried will into the room to see what I was doing.

"Hey there you are."
"Yup here I am just trying to pack stuff away. Your room at the trailer is done by the way."
"Oh cool.  Thanks." Setting Will down and he crawls into my lap.

"So I was thinking..." he trailed off.
"Uh oh. That's could be dangerous." I teased.
"Haha. Anyway. Maybe max can watch will
For a bit tonight. And let's go to Enzo's. Last date in Hawkins hurray type thing." He asked nervously.
"Sure I'll give her a call." I said as he leaned down and kissed me.

Max was all for babysitting saying she needed to get in all the time she could before we left. A part of my heart wanted to break knowing that will and I would be moving so far away from her. A part of me wanted to bring her with us. But her mom would never let that happen. So we would just have to settle for trips home and holidays.

Hearing max call out that she was here I picked up will from where he played at my feet walked out of the bathroom.
"Holy crap Cara. You look amazing." She said, jaw dropped as she set her bag in the couch. Eddie wanted to take you to Enzo's so I had pulled out the little black dress I wore for a school dance. It was V necked and had rhinestones on the straps.

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