8. something that drives me wild⚠️smut⚠️

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Being woken up with a strong hand brushing my hair back and a kiss on the forehead is away I could get used to being woken up. Peaking my eyes open I was met with warm chocolate eyes.

"Hey" my voice raspy with sleep.
"Hey." His smile beaming down at me.
"I have to get going and get set up for tonight. Will is still sleeping but I didn't want slip out with out telling you. You still planning on coming tonight?" Nodding as I stretched out. He leaned in Cupping my face to in to get a kiss.

"I probably have morning breath." I saw turning my head.
"I don't care." Turning me to face him again placing a slow lingering kiss on my lips.
"I'll see you tonight."

Scanning the bar looking for eddies friends that night I was only saw Steve and Nancy waving me over.
"Hey guys. No Jonathan tonight?"
"he is running late at work. He will be here later" Nancy said with a frown.

After a few minutes of small talk the classic sound of an electric pierced the air. I could listen to him play for hours, but looking at him is something I could do much longer. Tonight he was wearing a red flannel with the sleeve rolled up and all but two button done.

"All aboard! Hahaha" it was the perfect opening song for the set. Crazy train by Ozzy Osbourne. I thought for sure I would hear some repeated songs but they didn't. Even the original songs were new to me. They must have enough original songs to record a album by now. I would love to hear a set with just their songs. I'll have to mention that to him. Tell him that i think they are good enough to not use any covers and people would still go crazy for them.

Eddie was hypnotizing I hardly noticed the man walking up to the stage, until eddie paused between songs and bent down to talk to him. What ever he said to Eddie made his smile a mile wide. He was shaking his head yes. What ever it was it made him happy. Standing back up and walking back to the mic.
"Well We have a request. A special song for a special lady. Her favorite song. Happy anniversary Joe and karen. Here is Pink Floyd's wish you were here"

A few couples got up to dance to the slower song. Including Joe and a blushing Karen. They looked very much in love. And I wondered how long had the been together.
"Well Nancy I know you will say no. So Cara would you like to dance?" Steve asked. Nodding and standing up.

"I would love too!" Sliding out of the booth and taking Steve's hand to the dance floor. Swaying to the music Steve turning me so i was facing the stage. Looking over Steve shoulder Meeting Eddie's eyes and smiled up at him. Him sending a wink back to me that made me blush.
"So are you two going to make it official anytime soon? Or do we just have to live in a state of guessing?" Steve ask his voice close to my ear. Eyes never leave Eddie's.
"We haven't talked about it."

I will happily be around as long as he wants. I thought.

Two songs later the set was done and Eddie made his appearance at the table holding a beer.
"There's my girl." Leaning down and placing a kiss on your lips. Before he pulled away I could feel my face was hot and red. It was the first time he called me his and the first time he kissed me in front of his friends.

"So this means your official?" Nancy asked wanting an answer to the question that Steve and Nancy had been dying to know all night.

Looking up at Eddie and meeting his nervous eyes. Letting out a small nervous smile in return.
"Y-yea" he stumble over his words. Leaning down to kiss my cheek he whispered for just me to hear. "Only If you want" as he pulled back I gave him a nod.

"So Eddie do you think I could do an article about the band for the entertainment section of the paper"
"Yea, band practice is Monday,Wednesday, Friday at Gareth's stop by any time. Or you can come early next Saturday. Before the performance."

He didn't have to be ( eddie munson )Where stories live. Discover now