10 Minutes Away

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Hiiii!! It feels like I haven't written in foreverrr! In this story, I'm sorry if this stuff isn't accurate, but it will be about how you're very upset because you got into an argument with your mom and your boyfriend, Brian, comforts you. I live with my mom and we don't have a great relationship so I'd be able to relate to this story even though I'm single. The relationship status between me and my mom is not this extreme, but close. I have a good relationship with my dad though. Anyways, enjoyyyy!! <3333     [TW: Fighting]

~At Your Moms House~

"Are you even listening to me?!", You shout at her. "I don't need to listen to you!", She hollers back. "This is why you're the best mom in the world! You don't even listen to your fucking kids! This is why you get 'no credit'!", Tears roll down your face as you argue with your mom. She turns everything into a fight.

"You know what-", Your mom starts walking up the stairs fast. "Where are you going?!", You ask, nervous. You follow her. She walks into your room and grabs a picture of you, your brother, and your dad. Your favorite people on earth. She smashes the glass and you scream. 

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!?", You had a short fuse that your mom and your dad both gave to you. You ran into her room grabbing one of her framed pictures. You throw it out of the closed window as hard as you can. Smashing the picture, the window, and the screen. She gasped. 

"Didn't expect me to do that, huh?!", You got even more mad. "OH MY GOD!", She yelled. "WHAT AM I GOING TO TELL THE LANDLORD?", She says. "I don't know. Figure it out", You laughed. Still mad. Fuming. You go into your poor sisters room. She listens to this everyday.

"I love you. I'm leaving", You kiss her on the head. She's just a year younger than you. "No! Where are you going?!", She starts crying. "Somewhere", You say. "No, please, y/n, stop!", She cried harder. 

"I'll be okay. You'll be okay. I just gotta go for a while", You say. Your mom still yelling at you and pacing around the room. "SHUT THE FUCK UP", You yell at her. "ADULT PROBLEMS. YEAH? DON'T FUCKING COMPLAIN TO ME ABOUT IT", You ran downstairs. "YOU ARE AN ADULT, YOU WITCH", She yells. You were only eighteen. 

You didn't care anymore. You grabbed a trash bag and ran upstairs before your mother could wreck anything else. You packed up your favorite things quickly. You locked your door from the inside and walked into your sisters room again and gave her a hug. 

Your mom had no emotion except for hatred towards you as you packed up and got your things. "I don't want you here anyways, fucker", She kicked your bag. "WILL YOU STOP?", You said. She made you feel horrible. Worthless. You had to stop yourself from crying or she would call you weak. 

"Go live with you stupid fucking 'Rockstar' boyfriend, or your drug addicted father, maybe even your abusive ass brother", She said just to get under your skin. Brian was very intelligent, your father did medical marijuana. Big deal. And she only says that your brother is abusive because his father was. Not him. 

"I wouldn't even have a brother if you weren't such a whore", You said. All of your siblings had different dads except for your other sister that had a different mom. She couldn't believe you said that. "HURRY UP", She said as her only defense mechanism. "Get the fuck out if you don't like it", You spat back. 

She started this entire thing. Treating you horrible since you were fucking five. You were about to end it. 'I have to move out. I cant take it anymore', You thought to yourself. You locked your door and walked down the small hallway. 

She grabbed your wrist. "Get your hands off me!", You shouted. After you said that, she slapped you. You winced and held your face. You looked at her with an open mouth and disgust for a moment. You slapped her back. You ran out of your door. Your sister opened her window and yelled; "I love you". 

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