What If I Said They Were For Us?

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So in this story, you and your friend are walking to the spencer's in the mall and on your way there you see a beautiful long haired boy walking with another fairly cute boy....and when y'all see each other in the same storeeee....stuff happensssss....ill use y/f/n as your friends name. 

You and y/f/n were walking through the mall headed to Spencer's.

Y/f/n didn't really like that store, but you did, and since there wasn't a Hot Topic in your mall, Spencer's was the only option. Close enough.

"Do we have to go in there?" they complained in a whiny voice. "yess, of course we do," you said back smiling. "ugh, fine." they said in an irritated voice. 

You were walking to the only store in the mall your friend did not like, and that's when you see this tall boy with long black hair, painted black nails, a dark burgundy colored shiny lipstick, and red sunglasses. He was with a friend too. He had long black dreads and gothic eye makeup. 

The taller boy looked you up and down and you did the same to him.

As he walked by, you turned around to check him out once more, considering you'd probably never see him again, and as you did that he looked back at you to check you out.

Continuously fangirling inside, your friend turned to look at you. "you okay, Y/n" they said giggling. "No! OMG! Did you see that extremely hot guy!?!?!" you excitedly question Y/f/n. "yes..I saw that guy, but he's not hot" they said back. "Oh my fucking God, y/f/n! you're fucking crazy if you don't think he's hot"  you said back whisper yelling. "well.." they said, shrugging their shoulders.

Soon enough, you make it into Spencer's. "shit. Which one should I get?" you asked your friend what iron maiden shirt you should get, knowing it would be their honest opinion because they don't like the music you listen to. "umm..that one!" they said. "alright" you responded, putting the shirt in your basket to look at other things. You see two people in the corner of your eye walk in. 'omfg its that guy again' you thought to yourself. He and his friend walked to the back of the store where the...adult toys...are, then you hear y/f/n calling your name. "Y/n, y/n, y/n!!" they said excitedly. "what?!" you asked, nervous but excited. "That guy you said was hot, just mouthed to me 'your friend is hot'" they said excitedly. "really!!? it doesn't really matter he probably has a girlfriend anyways..he's in that section" you laughed, but disappointed at the same time. "well he must not be a faithful boyfriend then" y/f/n responded looking at the ground. 

You saw the man and his friend checking out. You discreetly made your way over there to obviously check him out, but also to see what he was getting. "you're scanning them as if they've already touched my dick" the man says laughing. "wow. you're the boldest man I've ever met" she responded, giggling. "That will be..." she said the price, but you didn't hear her. You were too busy staring at the beautiful boy with long black hair at the time. 

"hey.." the boy came over to you. "um..hey" you said back nervously. "saw you staring..you're quite beautiful by the way. I'm Brian" he said looking deep into your eyes with his gorgeous hazel ones. 'omg wtf did he just call me beautiful?' you asked yourself. "t-thank you I'm Y/n...you're pretty hot yourself" you said. Suddenly he grabbed your face and kissed you roughly, you leaned into the kiss. It started to get heated when he slipped his tongue into your mouth, earning a quiet whimper from you. "Do you really want this, y/n?" he asked as he broke the kiss. "Of course, Brian..But don't you have a girlfriend..?" you asked, seeming concerned. "No. What would make you think that?" he asked. You slightly pointed to the bag in his hands. "what if I said they were for us?" he asked with a smirk. You bit your lip to hide your grin, unsuccessfully. "You really are the boldest man ever." you said.  "Come with me," he said, holding your hand and quickly walking out. Thank god you had left your stuff with y/f/n. You kind of felt bad just leaving them there, but whatever...this journey seems way more fun. 

"In here?" he asks, pointing to the bathrooms. "no..people take their kids in there!" you responded. "right, right." he said, understanding. 

"How about here?" he asks, pointing to the janitor's closet. "yes" you said with excitement as he opened the door for you. 

Brian closed the door and locked it behind you, as soon as he did that he slammed you against the wall then proceeded to make out with you. His hands started to wander down to your ass. "mm" you hum into the back of his throat when he gently squeezes your butt. "Are you a virgin?" he asks, seeming concerned. "I've only had sex once" you felt comfortable with him enough to tell him that. "Ok..im just making sure..I don't want to fuck you up against the wall. It might be too much for your first time" he said with a low laugh. 

He kisses you gently and slips your black, lacy panties to the ground under your skirt. "o-oh" you gasp as he starts to rub your clit in circular motions. "fuck, you're so pretty when you moan for me like that" he says biting his lip provocativly. "fuck, I cant take it anymore, Brian, please fuck me" you said in between moans, so horny. "As you wish, Doll" he says undoing his pants revealing his rock hard cock. "Oh-ahh, You're so big" you say out of breath as he slowly pushes into you. 

"you're sofuckinghot" he says as he thrusts up into you. "mmm, harder, daddy" you moan loudly. "oh Brian!" you practically scream as he ruts up into you faster and harder. 

he reaches down and rubs your clit harshly making your legs shake. 

"fuck, doll, I'm getting close" he moans into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. "Mmm, m-me too" you moan, your voice high and strung out coming close to your climax. 

"ahh, mmm, fuck, Brian, ohh" you moan as you cum all over the mans cock. "fuck, darling, keep cumming on my dick" he moans coming close to his climax. 

"ohh, shit, babydoll" he groans loudly when he cums inside you, your name falling past his lips. "mmh" you whimper as he fills you up. 

 "fuck, Brian, that was so good" you say pulling your panties back up. 

"Y/n?" he questioned you. "yeah?" "I know we just met and stuff, but..um..do you want to be  my girlfriend?" he asked, seeming almost nervous. "Of course!" you answer his question. He just smiles and politely opens the door for you.

You walk back in Spencer's, your friend is standing there looking mad. "whatt?" you question them, still holding Brian's hand.   

"You left me here, and you weren't answering your phone.." they said looking at you with their arms crossed and head tilted. "I'm sorryyy...I was busy.." you say back, looking up at Brian smiling. "mhm", they said sarcastically. "hurry up and scan your stuff so we can go!" Y/f/n said, laughing a little. "okayy" you elongated the word ok.

"Hey, Doll, I never got your number," Brian said. "oh yeah" you asked the worker for a pen and wrote down your number on a piece of paper and handed it to him. "Call me," you said, seductively, but also giggling a little. "I will" he said smiling. 

Then he blew you a kiss and walked out of the store with his friend. y/f/n interrogated you about what you were doing. You just simply responded with 'nothingg', but they knew exactly what you did. Later that night you called Brian and talked for hours on end wishing he was there with you.

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