"He Makes You Happy, Doesn't He" Chapter 4

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In this chapter, recap, you end up falling asleep at Brian's house and your mom was NOT mad about it so you thought that was weird. But like I was saying, in this chapter, you get home and you talk to your mother and beg her not to tell your father and she says she'll keep it a secret. That's all I can tell y'all right now...I'm really giving it away. Anyways enjoyyyy :)) <333

You eat breakfast at Brian's house. Shortly after that Brian drives you back home. It's almost one o'clock..

"Do you think she was just saying she wasn't mad?", You ask Brian, nervously. "I think you'll be alright darling. If anything were to happen, which it won't, nothing can separate me and you", Your boyfriend calms your nerves.

You sat in the driveway of your house. Brian's hand in yours, you looked at him and kissed him lovingly.

"Maybe you should go inside..", Brian says, reluctantly. "Yeah I should...", You respond. "I love you, doll", He says, staring deeply into your eyes. "I love you, too", You reply, giving him a weak smile.

You jump out of his Truck and got up to your porch. You blew Brian a kiss and walked in your kitchen.

"Your back!", Your mother snapped. "Yeah..", Your responded shakily. "What's wrong?", She asked. "Well I'm nervous..I just don't want you to be mad. That's all...", You said. "I'm not mad, but I do think we should have a talk", She responded.

'Oh no', You thought to yourself.

"About what...?", You sat down at the table. "Just I would like to know if I can trust you and Brian...if I can let you stay", Your mom said. "Barb called me and told me she had an eye on you two and I was really trusting you and Brian because I know you guys are responsible.", She explained.

"Yeah, I mean I don't know what you want me to say. I really like Brian. I love going to his house and I really enjoy myself there. Barb makes us food and things", You said. "He treats me really well", You added.

"Well that's good and I'm happy for you..", Your mom said. "Like I said I don't really know what to say...um", You laughed a little.

"It's okay hon. That's basically all I wanted to know. I am not mad, but I for sure want you to let me know when you go with him", She says.

"Are you gonna tell dad?", You question.

"Well, not today, but it he will find out eventually", She said, looking at her hands.

"Okay...I guess", You said, laughing a little. Your phone was buzzing like crazy. You tried silencing it as much at possible.

"What's that noise? Is that your cell phone?", Your mother questioned, looking around. "Yes, it's my phone", You say. "Let me guess: you want to run upstairs and answer it", Your mom said, reading the 'can I go now' look on your face.

"Yeah....", You said, drawing out the word 'yeah'.  "Okay..I suppose", Your mother said and you ran upstairs. It was Brian of course.

Two missed calls from Brian <3

Brian <3: Was she mad?!?!

Brian <3: Answerrrr babyyy I wanna knoww

You: Everything is fine she isn't mad she just wants to be able to "Trust Me"

Brian <3: hmm interesting

You: ikr...call me?

Brian: sure!!

Incoming call: Brian <3

"Hello, darling", He said in a silly accent. "Hi, Brian", You rolled your eyes, jokingly. You told him everything you and your mother talked about.

You talked to him for hours it was now a little after three o'clock. You hung up the phone with Brian so you could get a snack and chill out.

You exit your bedroom door, smiling, Brian always gets you in a good mood. You see your mom cleaning out the closet connected to the outside of your door. She practically scared you to death.

"He makes you happy, doesn't he?", Your mother asks, smiling up at you. "Yeah", You smile, looking into outer space.

You headed downstairs, got snacks then went and watched movies in your bed. It was so much comfier with Brian with you, but you'd just have to deal with it for now.

You and Brian texted some more and chatted for a while till it was time you got tired fell asleep. Brian's beauty and everything about him was on your mind. Just as you were on his.

You soon drifted off to sleep excited to see each other in the morning.

Y'all I am so sorry this chapter was so short..If you guys want a part five let me know in the comments and I will do my best!! I sort of had writers block on this chapter. But it was nice and sweet. I hope you enjoyed!! Thxxx <333

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