Chapter 2 - So extracurricular activities don't ace IQ but only social status

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A/N: Look who decided to update! Hahaha... Show some love you guys! I could really use some motivational votes and comments right now <3


Sometimes, I'm getting tired of life.

Not my life right now, but life in general. 

You see, seeing these mongrels go crazy in situating themselves on the list of the Sherwood Fundraising Committee since Tomlinson signed in. Everything he does becomes some fad in this school. 

At first it was a little peculiar but entertaining, but as the number of guys who bring guitar and sing like crazy dying duck increased, so does my annoyance.

People should understand that this is a school not a summer camp or a bonfire you can't just bring random guitars that scream 'save me' since there's a band member here.

I have mentioned that my parents are alumnus of this godforsaken institution, they are the higher member of the fundraising, and we, the students, are the cutest excuse for assistants a.k.a. service crew.

And even it's my happiness not to join this jungle of event, my parents would automatically treat me as service crew hence every year I have partaken in the disastrous yet regaled event.

In any other day, my Saturday is the most holy of all days since I get to sleep as late as eleven in the morning and have my own way in the kitchen. But right now, since the preparation started for the SFE (Sherwood Fundraising Event), I have to break up with my boyfriend which is my bed and cook breakfast for the whole Sherwood population.

"Dear, please don't murder the pancakes they are innocent." Mom brushed her hair as she descend the stairs.

"The only innocent here is my sleeping schedule that you've manage to entangle on the web of social responsibilities and unexcused social ladder emancipation." Flipping the pancakes.

"Hush now my dear, this only happens once a year okay?" Mother packed the finished pancakes and brought them to the car.



As an annual forced participant, I can say that there were more volunteers this year. Not just more but maybe five times the regular population which I want to question if Tomlinson didn't sign up.

The school president, Mr. Slovkavri, was on the verge of declaring world peace as he drones himself unto the importance of the proceeds that we'll be having which will be donated to Sherwood Local Orphanage.

I was having a time of my life giving critique to the pancake I made while I stood at the back of the crowd when someone descended from somewhere and flushed the colors in me.

"You can at least say hi when you were inches away so my heart won't stop beating you know." I mumbled not knowing who was it.

"I'm sorry for scaring you but I never knew your name." without looking, I say Louis smile on my peripheral vision.

"Raffy. My name's Raffy Cole." Not looking Mr. Tomlinson, not looking.

"That's a masculine name, really." I heard him giggle.

"Are we being sexist now?" By all means, I have no idea why I turned my body and looked at him which made me regret since I just realize how handsome he really is.

"Nope, just a little unusual." He smiled again and I brushed him off.



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