Make A Wish

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Requested by: ilikebeesalo




Loading experience type: Y!DreamXD x Child!reader


"what's your wish, little one?"

"i wish for papa to love me!"


what a silly little predicament they had gotten themself had been a few years since their mother had died because of their birth. the outcome? anger. angst. grief. madness...and insanity.

oh! no! not from you. none of those would apply to someone as pathetic as you. but. just maybe. maybe those had applied to someone more pathetic than you. but...who? who could possibly be worse than you?


your good for nothing father. at this point, you don't even think you can call him your father. not after now. you don't even believe he's the same person. not anymore.

6 years. for 4 of those years, everything had been normal, aside from having no mother. your 'father' was a great man. he would tell you many stories of him and your mother. how they had come so successful despite being almost homeless before. he was respected. powerful. noble. so many things that you would hear others whisper about. some obsessed over him. hoping that he would forget about your mother just so they would have a chance with him. of course, he would never do that..

ever after your mother's death, he continued to be the greatest man all of the world had known. giving the homeless jobs. feeding those who had almost starved on the street. it was as if he was a hero. you had seen the best in him, just like others...but you'd also seen the worst.

on your 5th birthday. things changed. after all, good things must come to an end at some time. you had guessed that time was then. he had begun to drink. started to use. he'd even end up bringing in a stranger to the house from time to time.

while being concerned for your father's health, not too sure if this was a healthy thing, you had made the decision to ask if he was alright. turns out, that would be your biggest mistake yet. caring for a man you had always loved dearly.


"papa? are you in here?" your slightly smaller self-had creaked the door open, peeking inside to see the room's contents. turns out, you knew your father all too well as he was in the exact spot you had thought he would be in. you noticed him, sitting in his office chair, taking another swig of his 'juice'. that's what he informed it as when you were around.

"there you are papa! i was looking all over for you! i wanted to make sure you were safe!" you fully revealed yourself into the man's office, your arms outstretched and, in the air, as if asking him to pick you up. the only response you got? a twist in his old leather chair....and a glare. one of hate. one that held no more sanity behind those eyes. there was nothing but negative emotions and it scared you half to death...

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