-Chapter 19-

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Dazai had been visiting Chuuya everyday now and thankfully, Chuuya has started talking to Kouyou and the rest. A few words were better than none. Ango also checks in on Chuuya despite his busy schedule and it seems that Chuuya is fond of Ango as well. Ango and Dazai have been busy trying to find Fyodor's base which was no where to be found.

"Damn how annoying rats are!" Dazai complained with Ango patting his shoulder to ask him to continue searching. Dazai was heard to have a prodigy's brain similar to Fyodor. However, He had to admit, Fyodor is smarter than him but because of Dazai's way of thinking, he is able to think what Fyodor thinks and stop him most of the time. Unfortunately, Dazai  couldn't find where his hideout was..."Why can't we just ask Rampo kun?" Dazai said in his childish voice of his. Ango's eyes lit up and immediately agreed. Rampo was munching on his snacks once again as he thought about it. "I think his hideout is somewhere obvious but well guarded by guards but the guards look like normal passers-by.0 Dazai felt like something clicked in him as he rushed back to his computer with Ango following him behind excited as he knew Dazai found something. Scrolling through his documents, he finally stopped at one picture. "The renovating amusement park? But why?" Ango asked confused. Dazai replied with a hint of enthusiasm in his voice. "The renovating amusement park is somewhere obvious, everyone can see it which is why we didn't suspect it! It is near office buildings where there are many passers-by but they are actually guards merely acting to blend in with the background. The clanging and banging sounds coming from the renovating amusement park is not suspicious as everyone thinks it is renovating. However, they may be doing something in there!" Ango finally realised and understood what Dazai was trying to explain. He nodded and went to call for subordinates to come with him to check the amusement park.

"You found where Fyodor is hiding?" Dazai and Ango heard a soft voice which was barely audible. They turned around to see Chuuya standing right in front of them. "Chuuya! You shouldn't be out of your room remember?" Dazai went up to Chuuya first while taking him by his hands. Ango left them alone knowing that Chuuya wanted to talk to Dazai alone. "Dazai....can I come with you tot he mission?" Chuuya went straight to point.

"Chuuya.....you know it's dangerous...you don't know what Fyodor may do to you.."

"Don't worry! I will protect myself!"

"You still can't what if he injures you again?"


Dazai was still contemplating before he felt Chuuya's lips on his. Chuuya's kiss was the sweetest poison. Dazai realised how much he missed his kisses. Dazai kissed back while pulling Chuuya closer to him by the waist. They part away after a while.

"Now can I go with you?"

"What a cunning brat you are...fine...as long as you are safe..."

Chuuya replied with another kiss and a thanks before going back into his room.

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