A/n Not an Update

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Hey all! Anyway, I decided to open a Ko-fi account for donations. It's not a must by the way. I will still update this story. But I kinda need help. My phone is being a little shit right now, since it won't charge. And it is my only access to wattpad. I plan on buying a new one, but my mom won't buy it for me. So.. Yeah, I'm struggling to continue this work. That's why, I don't update as frequent as the beginning of this story.

I will update either way, but it can probably take month before I update a new chapter. What else...
Oh. If and if one or some of you do donate, if you will include your uname on the message, I will add your uname in the next chapter. And if I got a total amount of 5 (not from one of you, but from all donations combined) I'll update 2 chapters before the next day (hopefully). You don't have to donate to read this story, I'll continue it either way! But if you do have some spare, I hope you can help me.

I love this story, and I don't want to abandon it. I'm sorry if I sound too desperate. And thank you for all of your lovely comments. I do read all of them.

This is my Ko-fi account

Or my paypal

I love you all! Have a nice day or night, wherever you are.


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