Chapter 38

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"Please be normal." Alessandro pointed at Dario.

"The fuck you fucking telling me that for you fucking bitch. Im always fucking normal. Fuck you." He said and walked away. Alessandro stood there in shock. Mason snickered.

"You better not try that with me." I pointed at him. His smile dropped.

"Yes mother." He nodded and walked off.

"Why is he always fucking like that. We barely even fucking curse around his stupid ass. Fuck him." He stood up straight.

"I wonder why." I said as I stared at him. He looked at me and sighed.

"Fuck you." He rolled his eyes at me. I laughed. We heard cars pull up in the driveway.

"All the guns are hidden away. I locked my office as well as the other room." He winked at me. I turned around keeping my eyes on the door. The doorbell rang.

"Just be normal." I said as I fixed my ring on my finger. I opened the door greeting the lady, behind her was Noah and of course Olivia.

"Olivia, I didn't expect you to come." She brushed past me.

"Of course I had to, I heard you were living with some gang leader and had to get front row seats." Her eyes raked over the house but stopped on one particular thing. My "fiance". She licked her lips as her eyes looked him up and down. The lady looked around and came in front of us.

"Hi. I'm Alessandro Del Vante. Adelina's fiance." He held out his hand for the lady. She blushed and brushed a strand of hair behind her ears. Does he have that effect on everyone? She took his hand and shaked it but didn't let go. Olivia pushed her out of the way.

"Hi I'm Olivia Bianchi. I'm also Italian too." She flipped her hair behind her shoulder.

"Oh really?" He asked. She nodded.

"Sei una puttana senza valore che non riesce a guardarmi di dosso anche se suo marito è proprio accanto a lei." He said swiftly. She melted a bit. She let out a giggle and nodded. 'Your a worthless bitch who cant take her eyes off me even though her husband is standing right beside her.'

"Yeah I know." She pushed her boobs up. Obviously thinking he said something like she was hot. I snorted. Alessandro looked over at me and winked. When you live in a home filled with a whole family of Italians you learn a thing or two. He did not say anything about her being hot.

"Why don't we show you around and then we can have tea in the kitchen. My family is currently here and they're staying in the lounge room so for privacy we could stay in the kitchen." He said to the lady. He walked off with them following behind.

Noah walked up to me. He opened his mouth but closed it and walked off. Okay then. I followed behind everyone as Alessandro gave the tour. They seemed to listen to him more than me. After the tour we stopped in a hallway.

"So where is Mason?" The lady asked. Alessandro looked at me.

"He's playing with Alessandro's brother." I said to her, She nodded.

"Well this place seems fit for a royal. You have a lovely house." She said to Alesandro. I walked up to him. He placed a hand over my shoulder.

"Has for the both of you. I would need to monitor you both to see if you are capable of being parents. Have you ever raised a child before Mr. Del Vante." She asked.

"I have." He said. I looked over at him in confusion. He didn't look at me.

"You have a child?" Noah and Olivia asked in unison.

"I didn't know you were stepmother Ms Madden." The lady said to me

"Neither did I." I whispered under my breath.

"I have a little girl. Her mother left her with me years ago. I was young and still learning to be a father so my mother helped me." He looked over at me, then back at the lady.

"How about I introduce you to my family." He said to them, She nodded and followed Alessandro. Olivia gave me a dirty look, her eyes dropped onto the ring on my finger. She stared at it as if it would disappear and appear onto her hand. She scoffed and stomped away. I slowly walked away from Noah leaving him to follow behind. We walked into the lounge area.

"Mom this is." He introduced the lady.

"Mrs. Smith. Dallen Smith." She shaked their hands.

"Aly." A little scream came from Sabina as she jumped off the chair and into Alessandro's hands. I walked over to Rossana and took the water she had in her hand. Alessandro turned to Mrs smith.

"This is Sabina. My daughter." He said with a smile. I spit the water out.

"Yeah you could take that." Rossan said as she looked at me. I realized all eyes were on me.

"I'm sorry. The water went down the wrong way." I coughed. Mason came through the door with Dario.

"Oh hey Noah." Mason said to his dad. I placed the water down. He came over to me.

"D-did you just call me by my name." Noah asked Mason.

"Yeah." He said to him then turned to me.

"Mom. Dario was telling me how he has a zoo at his house. Could we go to Italy? It sounds fun." 

"I thought you liked america?" I asked. He shaked his head.

"Not anymore." He looked down at the floor. 

"Why not?" I asked him. He looked over at Alessandro. 

"There were some kids that were bullying him." Alessandro said to me. I looked at Mason.

"Mason, is that true?" He nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him if he couldn't confide in me.

"I didn't want you to get angry. So I told dad. But he said that I should suck it up and stop acting like a bitch." Everyone gasped in the room. I looked up at Noah. He smiled at the lady then back at me.

"You told my son. Our son. To stop acting like a bitch. He's thirteen." I yelled at him.

"W-why don't we talk about this later." He looked back at the lady then back at me.

"Mom. It's okay. Alessandro already dealt with it. He was awesome. He went up to the principal and started shouting at him. Then we saw the boys and he started shouting at them. Then we went for ice cream. Even though they don't bother me anymore. Everyone at school sees me as a wimp who had to ask my mothers boyfriend for help." He fiddled with his fingers. I hugged him.

"I'm so sorry." I said to him, Mrs. Smith cleared her throat.

"Well usually I would watch both Ms. Madden and Mr Del Vante but it is clear who the real parents are." She side eyed Noah.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time." She said as she walked out of the room.

"He's in a literal gang." Noah shouted out. Matteo gasped and held his chest.

"It's not a gang." Alessandro whispered annoyedly.

"D-did he just." Matteo asked Alessandro. He nodded.

"That is an insult. My great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather did not build this up for you to call it a gang." He spat out the word gang in disgust.

"Out of my house and take your wife with you." He shouted at Noah. He scoffed and grabbed Olivia. She seductively waved at Alessandro before she was dragged out of the room. The front door slammed shut.

Adelina Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora