Chapter 34

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"Couldn't have found a better place?" I asked aunt maddie as she walked up to us.

"This is the best place. That way no one will see us come in or out." I nodded in understanding.

"I did my end of the deal. How do I know that you have done your end?" She asked.

"Well you're alive." I smiled at her. 

"You have grown into a beautiful lady." She smiled at me.

"I'm proud of all three of you. Becoming just like your aunt but be careful who you're messing with Adelina. Del Vante might seem like a happy,sweet guy but he isn't. They don't call him l'assassino notturno for a reason." 

"What does that mean?" Mia asked.

"It means the night killer. He kills for the pleasure of it. He has his name imprinted on him." She gave me a warning look before turning to leave but turned back around.

"Oh and by the way. I didn't want to tell you this over the phone but your-" Her sentence was cut off by cars speeding in.

"Adelina I thought you came alone?" Aunt Maddie backs up behind her men.

"I did." I shouted at her. The black cars came to a stop. The door opened, Alessandro stepped out. Aunt Maddie was about to run when Alessandro pointed his gun at her.

"Don't. Move" He said without sparing her a glance. His eyes bored holes into me. He dropped his hand making sure one of his men had a gun pointing at her. He walked over to me, I backed away. Mia tried slowly walking away but she was grabbed by another man. Natlie just stood there knowing there was no way to run.

"Alessandro, I can explain." I put my hand in front of me. He stopped walking.

"Explain. Explain how you went behind my back. You knew how much that shipment meant to me. I lost millions of dollars because of their recklessness and you took me as some fool. You played me again. I let it slide the first time but this time it wont pass me." He held up his gun to my head.

"I let you and your son into my home. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't even have him and what do you do to re pay me back. You fucked me over. Quite literally too." He looked over at Aunt Maddie.

"We didn't know it was yours. We wouldn't have done it." She cried out. He rolled his eyes at her pleas.

"I dont give a fuck about the shipment anymore. Why did you do it?" He asked me.

"Your quite easy to fuck over." Natalie stated. I glared at her.

"What its the truth? The guy has a soft spot for you Adelina. If it was any other normal Mafia lord, you would be dead already. I'm just stating facts." She shrugged.

"She does have a point." I agreed with her.

"I do not have a soft spot for you." He disagreed. I smirked.

"But you do." I smirked. His jaw ticked.

"I don't." He was still trying to show his dominance. 

"Fine then." I shrugged. I got down on my knees, and placed the gun in the middle of my forehead.

"Shoot me." I said as I looked up at him. His finger that was resting on the trigger started shaking. His chest rose and fell. It was having an internal battle with himself.

"Come on. If you don't have a soft spot for me then shoot me. Don't be a pussy." I screamed out, when he grabbed my neck pulling me up to face him. I choked gasping for air.

"Get in the fucking car Adelina." He shouted at me. My feet hit the ground, my lungs filling with air. 

"Yes sir." I smirked at him, happy at my accomplishment. I walked over to the car leaving him in his position. I heard a bang, my head whipped around.

I screamed out when I saw Aunt maddie on the ground blood pooling around her. Her men started shooting but they were no match for Alessandro's men.

They pulled out their guns firing them everywhere. Mia covered her mouth as her eyes stared at Aunt maddie. I tried to run to her but the men grabbed me, keeping me still. I collapsed onto the floor, tears falling from my eyes. I stared at her cold dead body, guilt and sickness washed over me. I was pulled up and shoved into the car.

I heard Alessandro bark out orders, the men holding Mia and Natalie started walking to different cars. Alessandro came into the car sitting beside. I moved to the other side not wanting to be near him.

My lip quivered, the car started and drove off. The one person that actually acted as a mother figure to me was dead and it was my fault.

"Why? They said they didn't know it was yours. Why did you kill her." I shouted at him. He looked straight ahead of him, taking off his gloves.

"It had to be done. I hope you don't disobey me anymore." He turned to look me in my eyes. Guilt flashed through them when he saw my state, he quickly looked away.

"She was my aunt. The only mother I had left. The actual mother I ever had and you killed her. You killed her." My voice cracked.

He tried reaching over to comfort me but I pushed him away. I curled up on the seat, my eyes watching as we drove closer to the mansion. It was silent in the car, every now and then I felt his eyes on me.

When the car came to a stop, I opened the door and walked into the house ignoring my name being called. I ran up the stairs, I heard footsteps chase after me when I got into my room I locked the door quickly. He tried opening the door but realized it was closed. 

"Princess opens the door." He slowly said. I walked over to my bed and sat down. He tried opening the door again. This time he lost his patients and banged hard on the door.

"Open the fucking door Adelina." He shouted. I heard his heavy breathing then it went quiet. 

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