Chapter 36

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I watched Alessandro place Sabina on the bed. Her little hands tightened around him, a little cry fell from her mouth.

"Aly please don't leave me." She said softly as she tried pulling him down but was no match to his big body.

"I will be right here with B. '' He said back to her. He laid down in the bed next to her. He signaled me to come over. I took off my shoes and laid down beside Sabina. He rested on his elbow. I looked down at her, getting a better view of her face. She was beautiful.

"I'm sorry." He said to me breaking me out from admiring his little sister's beauty.

"For you to know your aunt." He looked down at Sabina then back at me. I smiled at him.

"It's okay. Life goes on." I said to him, As I start to get comfortable on the bed my eyes start to drop. 

"Adelina?" He softly called out. I lazily looked up at him.

"Yeah?" I asked for half a nap.

"I think I'm in love with you." He said without hesitation. That woke me up. I sat back up.

"What did you just say?" I asked him. 

"I'm in love with you Adelina. I have ever since we met that night. It just wasn't as strong. I tried my best to push it away. It took me months to admit it to myself and then you went behind my back. I felt betrayed and hurt. I've been through alot of pain but that night, that pain. I never want to feel it again." He looked down at Sabina. I didn't know what to say. He looked back up at me.

"Please say something. Anything. A rejection even." 

"I-I. I don't know what I feel for you Alessandro." I said to him, He looked back down avoiding eye contact.

"I'm sorry." I felt bad. He shook his head.

"It's for the best. I came down here solely to help out a friend while he was in prison. He recently got out and I'll be heading back to Italy in a couple weeks." he looked back up at me. My heart ached. He's leaving.

"I can't stay down here. I have a Mafia to run. A family, a life and so do you. I will stay only to help out with you getting full custody. Then I will leave. I have my sister's wedding to attend and I'm going to be the best man for my bestfriend and your debt has been paid. You and your friends owe me nothing now." He gave me a weak smile.

"You could see yourself out. Sabina won't let go of me. I haven't seen her in a long while. She's scared I might leave again, so I'll sleep over here." He adjusted himself to make it more comfortable. I got off the bed and walked out of my room. I stepped out of the room and closed the door.

I heard footsteps running around the hallway. A boy came running round the corner. The hallway was dark. He probably didn't see me. He stopped at a door and looked around. He looked over at me and jumped. Heavy footsteps were echoing around the corner. We both looked at the corner, then back at each other. He ran over to me and hid behind me right before seven men came running. They spotted me and walked over.

"Ms.Madden have you seen a little boy running  around anywhere?" He asked. I felt a pinch on the side of my waist. I shaked my head.

"No. I hope you find him though." I smiled as they walked away. After a few more minutes the boy came from around me.

"You must Dario." I said. He looked up at me and nodded.

"You must be Adelina. You are very very pretty and you smell good." He smiled goofily at me. 

"Thank you." I laughed awkwardly.

"You're very hot. I'm eighteen by the way." He placed his hands on his hips.

"Are you hitting on me sir?" I asked.

"I would hit that." He looked me up and down. I shifted uncomfortably.

"But you must be Mason's mother. My brother talks a lot about you." 

"So why are you always running off or so I hear?" I asked.

"The adrenaline." He said a star struck. Mini Alessandro.

"My father is taking me to shoot people tomorrow so I don't go running off. You should come." He grinned.

"Shoot people?" I asked.

"Prisoners." He said to me,

"Why would you want to do that?" I asked.

"Blood. Screams. Adrenaline." He went star struck again. His eyes stared into mine. I backed against the wall. Footsteps echoed back again.

"That's my cue. It was lovely meeting you ma lady." He bowed and ran off.

The men came running, I shrugged at them and then they ran off. He reminded me of the stories I heard of Alessandro.

I walked back to my room thinking back at what Alessandro confessed to me. I wasn't sure about what I felt. I opened my door and walked in closing it behind me.

I walked over to the window and closed it going back to my bed. He was great company, the sex was mindblowing, I love the way he looks at me and only me. His touch makes me go crazy but do I love him for him?


Someone's Pov.

I watched her close her window. She seemed to have been in deep thought. She looked even more beautiful since the last time I saw her. I smiled at the memory. I spent my whole life in prison. Waiting for the day to meet her again. I saw her light turn off. She has come a long way. I saw her son. A handsome boy. She has a mafia leader wrapped around her finger. I smiled as excitement fills me for what's about to come. I looked up at the window one last time.

"Mommy's home." I whispered before walking off.

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