Chapter 3

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I lay on the couch upside down listening to Nat and Mia talk about their problems. I was too drunk to understand the shit they were talking about. We grabbed a couple of bottles of liquor that Mia had stashed away. I was staring at the ceiling. It was so beautiful.

"How did we end up like this," Mia asked as she took another shot.

"We took your liquor that you hid from your husband and drank them all," I raised the liquor that was in my hand in the air. She shook her head.

"No. I mean how did we end up like this. We had so many opportunities to get our life back on track but we chose the hard way. I'm sure you guys are fine though. At least you don't have a cheating husband who steals all your money and disappears. I tried contacting the police, they were worthless." She sighed and grabbed a whole bottle.

"I got fired from my job and now I can't support my son who is still in school. I don't want to give Noah the satisfaction that I need him." I said as I sat up on the couch.

"Why didn't you say anything Adelina?" She asked me, looking concerned. I shrugged.

"I didn't want to worry you, with everything going on," I said to her.

"I'm behind on payment. I used all the money I had left to pay for nana's last surgery. She needs one again this month and I don't have enough money to pay for rent and stuff like that." We looked over at Natalie. She had tears in her eyes. She blinked them away and took another shot.

"I'm sure you can get a job." Mia sat up looking over. She shook her head.

"I cant. I can't leave Nana alone all day and I can't afford anyone to stay with her." Nat said, Mia leaned back in her chair.

"Well, you can get another job right Adelina." She asked me. I put the bottle on the table.

"I looked. There are no available jobs near Mason's school or near the apartment. I'm behind on rent there, probably going to kick us out. I took out some loans. I can't even pay that back. I'm in debt. I thought that maybe we could stay with you but then in your situation, you can't even buy groceries anymore." I stated. Mia looked down at her hands.

"Maybe we could do drug deals," Natalie suggested. I shook my head.

"It's too dangerous. We can get into problems and it would affect our loved ones." I told her. She nodded and tipped the bottle up to her mouth.

"What are we supposed to do now," Mia said. I shrugged. Natalie jumped up from her seat.

"I have the best idea ever." She started. Oh no.

"No." Mia quickly said. We turned to look at her. When Natalie has ideas it's not ideas most people have. No, her ideas are let's kill someone or let's steal a police car and run them over.

"Ideas that come from you Natalie are nothing but trouble." She pointed at her. Natalie glared at her.

"And that's why there's cobwebs on your pussy bitch. No damn fun. You didn't even let me tell you." She said to Mia. I covered my mouth trying not to laugh. Mia's jaw dropped.

"As I was saying I have a friend, she's really rich. We met at a club a couple of months ago. She sleeps and makes money for a living." I choke on the liquor I was drinking. Mia's jaw dropped even more.

"We are not doing that." Mia jumped up from her seat. I raised my hand to get their attention.

"I agree with her," I said as I calmed myself down.

"I wasn't finished." She rolled her eyes.

"She doesn't get paid to sleep with them. She sleeps with them then robs them." She shrugged as if it was nothing.

"That's even worse," Mia screamed out.

"I'm not done," Nat screamed back.

"We could find a club and scout out the richest man there. One of us sleeps with him then-" She gets cut off by Mia.

"We are not using men like that."

"Bitch I swear if you don't fucking sit the fuck down and let me fucking finish my fuckings sentence I swear I will fuck you up." She jumped up glaring at Mia. Mia silently sat back down. Natalie looked over at me and violently shook my head indicating that I have nothing to say. She scares me sometimes.

"We don't have to sleep with them." I started.

"Then how are we?" Natalie stood up with her hand in the air ready to slap Mia. She quickly shut her mouth.

"You make them drunk. We don't have to drug them. Just talk with them until they get drunk. You take them back to the room and take their wallet. We're not using them. They're just giving us the opportunity to steal from them, that's all." Nats sat back down.

"I don't know about this." Mia started. Natalie rolled her eyes.

"Either this or live on water. Wait no not even water because you can't pay your water bill." Natalie crossed her arms. Mia sat down silently.

"What do you think of Adelina," Mia asked me.

"I think it's a good idea." I looked at her. Natalie smiled proudly. She sighed.

"Fine. Who's going to do it though."

"I can't do it. Everyone knows me and Mia can't do it because she lacks experience." Nats said.

"Excuse me?" Mia said, looking offended.

"You have to do it, Adelina." My eyes stared back at her. Maybe I didn't hear properly. When she looked back at me I knew I heard exactly what she said.

"No." I jumped up from my seat and started walking out not wanting them to change my mind.

"Come on Adelina. Do it for Mason." Mia begged.

"Don't bring my son into this." I slammed the door behind me and walked to my car.

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