Chapter 29

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"Just knock Adelina, it's not that hard." I told myself. I lifted my hand to knock when the door opened. I stared dead in the face with a man.

"Hey uhh. I was wondering if you have seen Maddie by chance." I nervously laughed. He stared in my face. I cleared my throat. He turned around and that's when I saw his jacket.

The same serpent was on it. I stepped inside and walked into the living room with the man. Men were standing everywhere giving me glares. As we stepped into the living room I stood there awkwardly, the man went to sit beside a lady. I tilted my head and looked at her. She looked different from the last time I saw her. She dyed her hair blonde. She was smoking a joint when a man pushed me.

"Ow." I mumbled. I took a step forward to her but the men stopped me. I rolled my eyes and looked back at her.

"Aunt Maddie?" I asked unsure if it really was her. She held her joint mid way. She turned her head, staring at me. Slowly she got up and walked over to me standing right in front of me.

"Adelina?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. In a blink of an eye my cheek was buring.

"You little bitch." She shouted at me. I turned my head to her.

"Is this how you treat your aunt? It's been years now since I've last seen you. You got pregnant and went to live a happy life with Napoleon."

"Noah." I corrected her.

"Same shit." She spat.

"I practically grew you up and not even a hi I ever got. Wasn't even invited to the wedding." She shouted at me. She sighed.

"Where is your sister? Still a bookworm. That girl always had her head stuck in some book." She shakes her head.

"She's fine." I said to her,

"What do you want? I know you're here for something." She turned around and sat back down beside the guy.

"Well actually I do need-" I fiddle with my fingers.

"See not even a hey aunt maddie how you doing. I see you haven't aged a day. Still looking hot as ever." She told the men around the room.

"I'm sorry. Hey aunt maddie is still sleeping around. Still doing drugs." I said poleity. She rolled her eyes.

"What do you want?" She asked me not to spare a glance.

"A friend of mine, one of their shipments was blown up and I found this among the rubble." I pulled out the material. She looked at it.

"And your point is."

"My point is I was wondering why a gang like yours would be messing around with someone like that." I said to her, She looked over at the man beside.

"If I recall I did send some of my people to get something for me. I'm expanding my business, needed more supply and I sure as hell wasn't going to buy it."

"So you stole it?" I asked her.

"Did you even know who you stole from. " I started to get annoyed at how she didnt care.

"No." Blew out a puff of smoke.

"The shipment belonged to Alessandro. Del Vante.''I said to her. That caught her attention. She stuck the blunt into the man's arm beside. He cried out.

"You didn't tell me that you blew up Del Vante's shipment of guns." she sneered at him.

"Fuck, I didnt know boss." He cried out in pain. She turned to look at me.

"So what are you his bitch now." She asked as she stalked towards me. I shaked my head.

"It's not like that." I said to her,

"Del Vante's a vicious man, Adelina. No mercy. He's the monster parents tell their children about at night to scare them. Be careful." I stared at her. Everyone has been telling me that lately.

"I will aunty."

"You don't seem like the type to sleep around with guys like him. He is holding you isn't he. He has something against you." Leave it to her to read me like a book. I look down on the floor.

"I stole from him." I said as I raised my head back up. She shakes her head.

"What did I tell you when you left that day?" She placed her hand on my shoulder.

"That whatever I need I must come to you." I rolled my eyes.

"And decided to avoid me like a plague. Adelina whatever you need let me know. I'm no stranger to you. We are a family." She let go of me. I nodded my head at her.

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