Chapter 35

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I haven't left my room in over a week. I laid on my bed staring at the door. Alessandro would ask me to open the door but then he gave up.

Mason would come and tell me about his day when he gets picked up from school. Alessandro made two of his men their duty to pick him up. I rolled over off my side onto my back. The place was unusually quiet.

I would usually hear Alessandro shouting at his men, training going on outside or gunshots going off. I came off the bed pushing my ears up to the door. I slowly opened it and peeped my head out.

The hallway was clear. I stepped out of my comfort room and walked down the hall. I heard laughter coming from the lounge room. I walked down the stairs and went up to the door.

The room went quiet when my presence was acknowledged. A woman who looked to be in her late thirties got up.

"Oh honey I was wondering when you were going to leave your room. Cooped up there must have been heartbreaking." She held my hands. I looked down at them then at her. 

"Oh where's my manners? I'm Alessandro's mother Noemi." She smiled sweetly at me.

"And you must be Adelina. I heard so much about you." She said cheerfully. I laughed awkwardly.

"Mom, leave her alone." Alessandro said from behind her. He was sitting on the couch playing a game with Mason and a little girl who was cuddled up on his lap.

"I'm just happy to see my future daughter-in-law." She did a little jump. A man looking identical to Alessandro, I assume his father came up placing a hand on the back of Noemi's back.

"I'm Matteo. It's lovely to finally meet you Adelina and I'm truly sorry for my wife." He removed her hand that had a tight grip on mine.

"I'm just so happy." She cheered. A softly laughed.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Mrs Del Vante." I said sweetly to them. Noemi looked at me with admiration and turned to Alessandro.

"È così dolce." She said to him, He rolled his eyes and went back to Mason. She pulled away from her husband and took my hand bringing me over to the couch. She sat beside me. 'She's so sweet.'

I looked over at Alessandro. He kept eye contact before looking away.

"You must be so devastated. Andro told us about your aunt." She held my hands again.

"Andro?" I asked in confusion.

"That's his nickname in the family." Gabriele who I had just noticed said. He was having a heated conversation with another guy. 

"I was on drugs when I named him. Can you blame me?" Noemi scoffed.

"Well I think it's a very cute name." I said to her, She grinned.

"I love her." She mouthed to Alessandro or Andro.

"But don't worry. We have all been through it." She patted my shoulder.

"No we haven't." Matteo mumbled beside her. She elbowed him. He bent over, holding his side.

"I had an uncle. He was the best." She started.

"Here we go again." Matteo said as he regained his position but bent over after she elbowed him again.

"Damn women would you stop." He said through clenched teeth. She turned back to me.

"He fucked with Matteo and so Matteo fucked him back over. He stabbed him forty five times in his back. While I watched." She said angrily.

"I'm so sorry." I said to her,

"It's okay I got over it." She smiled. She looked over at Gabriele and the other guy.

"Would you two stop arguing?" She shouted at them. They stopped and looked over at her.

"I'm sorry. Boys will be Boys. He hasn't even introduced himself." She shakes her head.

"That's Massimo. Alessandro's older brother." My eyes widened.

"Yeah you must be wondering , that's a lot of siblings. Matteo didn't give me a break. I was popping children out instead of pills." They all groaned. Matteo smirked and kissed her neck.

"Memories." He said against her neck. She rolled her eyes.

"My youngest is Sabina, over there. She's seven. Absolutely adores Alessandro." I looked over at the girl, her hands wrapped around Alessandro's neck. Her face was hiding in his chest, probably sound asleep. She had brown long hair that were two plaits.

"My next is Dario. He's the same age as your son. He disappeared a couple hours ago so there are some men out searching for him. He has a lot of energy." I dropped open.

"Aren't you worried?" I asked. She chuckled.

"He does this all the time. Disappears and then pops up for dinner like he didn't just go missing." I nodded.

"Then there is that clown head over there. Gabriele. He's twenty three and still hasn't pulled a bitch. I heard what happened between the both of you. It's not the first time." She smiled sympathetically at me. I heard a snicker. I looked over at Alessandro, he looked up at me and smirked.

"Then there is Rossana. She's twenty-six. She's somewhere in the house probably being banged by her fiance. Who I'm sure you know. Leo." 

"Leo? I didn't know." I said to her, shocked.

"Well he doesn't go around yelling he's engaged so you wouldn't have known. Then there is Alessandro who is twenty-nine. A pain in my ass." She whispered over to me the last sentence.

"I'm right here mom." He said to her, She ignored him

"Then there's my eldest. Massimo. He's thirty three. Married, has two beautiful children and has another one coming soon." He clapped happily but then changed her emotion.

"Which is why he should be over there with his pregnant wife." She shouted at him. He just stared at her. She scoffed and turned back to me with a sweet smile.

"How many children was that? 1.2." SHe started counting.

"Four. I mean five. I have five children. I'm fifty- two by the way."

"Oh wow. You do not look the age. Meaning you look way younger." I tried to be as polite as possible. She giggled.

"I get that alot." She smiled.

"So. When are you going to have your second and give me a grandchild?" She asked.

"Mom." Alessandro shouted at her. She gave him an apologetic look then smiled back at me.

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