The Orphan

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The Village of Gale, Zion Empire

The sun shone on the same peaceful and quiet village. It's first morning rays touched the grassy praire and the drenched wild flowers. The tree gloriously spread it's leaves, enjoying the warmth after the chilly night. In the middle of the praire, atop the mountain, the small house wafted the smell of freshly baked cookies. The sun's rays sliced through the closed windows of the house where Amethyst is busy preparing her breakfast. Before dawn every single day, she would wake up to start the day and the sun would greet her like a friend.

The birds chirped and the gentle breeze blew but she goes on with her work. Her small hands expertly kneaded the dough on the bowl. From time to time, she would stop, wipe her sweat and check the cookies on the oven. As soon as she finished a whole tray, she would put them in the box and wrapped it with a pink cloth. This task is tiresome for an eight year old child like her but she continued on without care. Her big basket was already filled with cookies and she nodded in satisfaction. She removed her apron which is splattered with mixtures and flour. With a string, she tied her black long hair and fixed her old brown dress. The house fell silent as she walked out the door with the basket on her hand.

From her house, the town could be seen, still sleeping. But as the sun's rays reached the first house, and then the second, and the third, the whole town woke up. It was always a sight to behold when the chimneys started to puff smoke and the lights began to wink out. Amethyst would stand up on her front door and watch as the people began to move. It's like watching the town dress up in beautiful colors. With a great effort, she carried the basket and went down the path. As she walks slowly, butterflies began to sweep on the flowers and suck their nectar. Birds flew on the trees, looking for fruits to eat. She stopped walking and sat on a stone, bringing out a bottle of water. She drank thirstily and took a bite of cookie from her pocket. When she was fully rested, she continued until she reached the base of the mountain.

From grasses to wildflowers, she walked a new path of weeded farmlands with ripening corns and rice. The breeze made the golden plants dance and sway in the air. The farmers in the fields waved their hands as she passed by.  But then, as usual, Amethyst ignored them.

" Going to sell cookies again?" The old farmer, Ben asked. His rheumy gray eyes pore on Amethyst's big basket and he delightfully smiled.

" Yes." When she spoke, her voice came out like a soft melody. It was said that she can soothe a crying child with just her voice however, her indifferent face didn't change. The farmer didn't seem to mind, instead he smiled even more.

" Go on, then. Have a good day."

Amethyst nodded and she walked straight, ignoring the waves and stares of the farmers. But behind her back, the wind blew in her ear, and she keenly heard what they're saying.

" Poor girl..."

" Such a waste..."

" Look at her. Working hard even when she's still young."

" She ought to play and have fun like the other kids." One said. The others agreed and watched her retreating back.

" We can't help it. She's an orphan."

" Yes. The mayor asked her to be adopted but she refused."

" Why do you think so?"

Questions always come to their mind. Like why...

" Why did her parents abandon her?"

That's always a question no one in Gale could ever answer. The previous mayor of the town died and he was believed to be the only one who saw the parents of Amethyst. In such a young age, her parents mysteriously disappeared, leaving her all alone. She earns her own money, baking cookies which the villagers loved the most. It's always their delight when she knocks on the door and sell her cookies. It might be unbelievable for a child to bake and live on her own and yet, she was already considered an adult especially that when she talks, her voice radiates authority. Not to mention, she is a very beautiful child.

Amethyst already passed the fields and the first house came in sight. She carefully laid down her basket and gently knocked on the door. The simmering pan could be heard from the kitchen and the hurried steps towards the door. When the woman saw her, she smiled and glanced at the basket beside Amethyst.

" Two boxes, Amethyst." She said, wiping her hands on her apron before receiving the box.

" Is it the usual cost?" She asked, bringing out her pouch. Amethyst nodded in reply.

" Thank you." She said after she received the pay. The woman waved at her warmly. As usual, she just lifted the basket on her arms and walked to the second house. The dogs barked at her as she came close but she ignored it and knocked once more.

" One box." The woman said, handing the payment. Amethyst was used to different people and their approaches. Some would receive her warmly, the others would be in a hurry. But then, they would still buy her cookies.

The sun completely rose from the horizon and the marketplace is starting to get crowded. Vendors scream their products, while costumers bargain the price. Children would ran from all directions, while their parents started their chores. Amethyst continued on her way, stopping at every house. At the mayor's mansion, her cookies were bought by the maid. Her pockets happily jingled with silver. She began her way home, passing through the church. She stopped for a second to stare at the lonely gate and the empty seats inside which she knew would be full every afternoon. The priest inside bowed when he saw her and she bowed back.

At the plaza, the marketplace was brimming with people because merchants arrived yesterday. Products from all over the world were displayed on the stands. Fresh fruits and vegetables from the farm lined colorfully on the table. Meat, venison and pork in the butcher's shop from the hunters. Accessories, beautiful dresses and even colorful scarves from the merchant's wagons. Amethyst stopped to buy supplies, and fill her baskets with ingredients and food. She ignored the beautiful dresses that women are dying to get. As soon as she was satisfied, she began to walk home.

The people stared everytime she walked. Envious ladies would snort and crossed their arms. It's quite childish to act like that infront of an eight year old child but men couldn't stop themselves to admire her beauty. They knew that if she grows up, she would look like a goddess. The only thing they wish is that they can see her smile for once. And yet, she never did smile...

Back on her way home, Amethyst had time to looked around and admire the fields. She loved how the golden rice fields looked so tasty like a toasted bread. A secret smile crept in her lips as she passed through. The fields stretched in the endless valley and ended at the base of the mountain. She climbed up, taking leisure time to watch the wild flowers on the meadow. Every step gives her contentment and peace. Reaching her house, her feet turned to lead. She collapse on her bed as soon as she opened the door. Every nerve in her body screamed in exhaustion but still, she need to collect herbs for tea and medicine. She never complained about working alone because for her, it means she can live in peace.

Amethyst stood up when suddenly, the once bright sky turned dark. She isn't halfway yet from collecting herbs and now, a storm is coming. She saw on the fields how the farmers ran towards their homes upon seeing the storm. The gentle wind is now angry, blowing away the ripening crops. Birds flew fearfully and the animals run towards their hiding places. The herbs she's picking furiously swayed at her feet. She frowned since it would disrupt her chore.

" Calm down." She softly said, her eyes glowing in a golden color. The air trembled when she spoke and like a servant obeying her master, the wind began to calm down. The dark clouds on the sky retreated, giving way to the blue sky. The animals fleeing for their lives, stopped and stared skyward at the sudden occurrence. They played on the fields again as the sun greeted them back. However, the villagers frowned at the mysterious event. They've never seen such strange, yet wonderful occurrence. For them, it's like magic. The stories they've heard from merchants about the royal capital where magic and royalties dwelt. The wind delivered all murmurs of opinion to Amethyst but she ignored all of it and continued working. She wanted to finish her work and rest, not a storm will stop her.

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