Chapter 77: Line Switches

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I made a list of all the line switches and line assignments I could find. I hope it's a complete and exhaustive list, but comment and let me know if I missed one!

A line switch is a quote from the show that switches the character.
A line assignment is a direct quote from the same character.

How many do you think I had? I'm guessing around 25?

Chapter 2:

"I do pageants."
"I do real, I do family, I do Jesus, and I do pageants." Shelby, Episode 1.

"Are you sure?" Toni asks quietly.
"Are you sure?" Toni, Episode 9.

Chapter 3:

"You know that right?" Shelby asks.
"You get that right?" Shelby, Episode 7.

Toni whistles, both surprised and impressed, "You say your prayers with that mouth?"
"You say your prayers with that mouth?" Toni. Episode 7.

Chapter 4:

"Please don't refer to my parents' complete distrust in my existence as morning check-ins," Leah mutters.
"Please don't refer to my emotional devastation as a 'funk'." Leah, Episode 1.

Chapter 8:

"I'm not ready yet. To talk about it." Shelby
"I'm just... not ready to... to talk about it." Shelby, Episode 10.

Chapter 9:

"How many times have I told you we don't buy this sugary crap?" Dave growls.
"When'd we start eating this sugary crap?" Dave, Episode 8.

Chapter 10:

"Did you tell him!" Toni yells, startling Shelby.
"Did you tell her?!" Shelby, Episode 8.

"No. I would never!" Shelby yells back.
"No! Fuck, I would never!" Toni, Episode 8.

"I am not like that," Shelby says, sotto.
"I am not like that," Shelby Episode 8.

"You flinch when things get a little too gay for you."
"I saw your face when shit got a little too gay for you. You fucking shuddered." Toni, Episode 7.

"That's what skeeves you out."
"That's what fucking skeeves her out." Toni, Episode 6.

"I hurt people." Toni answers curtly.
"I've hurt people." Shelby, Episode 10.

Chapter 11:

"I don't hate you, Toni."
"I don't hate you, Toni." Shelby, Episode 7.

"Toni, wait!" Shelby yells.
"Shelby, wait!" Toni, Episode 7.

"That's not why I did it. You... you know that, right?" She asks cautiously, suddenly worried.
"You get that, right?" Shelby, Episode 7. (used this twice! Loved it!)

Shelby jeers back. "I would N-O-T not be fine."
"Not that I'm ashamed, 'cause I'm N-O-T not." Shelby, Episode 10.

Chapter 12:

"Let's give these dishes a good scrub." (Dave)
"Don't you think your brain could use a good...scrub?" Shelby, Episode 1.

Chapter 13:

"The whole vibe of the group nosedives. Like a plane."
AN: You know... crashing on the island and all.

"After a good slug, Toni says, "Never have I ever... thrown my own piss at a rival in a basketball game."
"Never have I ever... thrown my own piss at someone." Rachel, Episode 1.

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