Chapter 70

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Back in the hospital room, Toni's had a front row seat at the Bernice and Martha roadshow, watching them animatedly plan and talk about all the things they can do together now that they are all under the same roof. She wishes the cafeteria sold popcorn because it's like watching a comedy. The bantering, the fast-talking, and the outlandish dreaming is entertaining.

She remembers enjoying this intimate look of their relationship at the dinner table over the summers. She'd count down the minutes until she could knock on their door, and have even just a few hours with them. Toni also remembers the anguish of having to leave after dessert, or make another excuse for why she's sleeping over.

But there's a new weight that's been lifted off her. She watches on, almost like an outsider, but she knows, she knows that this is what her life gets to be. She finally gets to be an insider, by having middle of the night excursions to the refrigerator and cleaning up after meals, which Bernice had previously forbidden her to do. There is a rule in the Blackburn's house: no guests pick up dishes after dinner.

It secretly always bothered her, always reminded her that she was only a guest. But now she has full and total responsibility. She's no longer a guest, she's an honorary Blackburn.

She tunes back into the conversation, Marty's been listing off everything she and Toni can make and build and experience and watch as a pair. She barely takes a breath as she rattles out, "We can paint the trim of our rooms the same color and now I don't have to send you funny videos anymore I can just run over to show you! And oh! Now you don't need to copy my work during 4B in the library!"

And now it's no fun anymore. Toni feels the wrath of Bernice's parental staredown. That last sentence sets off Bernice's maternal Honesty Radar. She calmly reassures Martha, "No, she will not be using any more time copying off your work, isn't that right, Toni?" Bernice shoots Toni that scolding look, the kind that shuts anyone up and makes them turn white.

Clearly getting the message, Toni responds, "Yes, Mrs. B." She wraps and unwraps the loose blanket around her cast, hoping to avoid any more scrutiny about school. She hasn't been the best student and Martha has definitely helped, but Toni knows there are expectations now.

Toni runs her tongue over her healing lip, there's just a small mark. The bruises on her face have faded and the cut by her eyebrow can almost go unnoticed if no one looks closely.

But Toni is always looking closely, trying to glimpse at her reflection in the chrome metal around the room. Shelby and Martha have both made a pact at banning Toni from looking in the mirror. And Bernice has strict phone rules, but not like Dave, this is for her own good, to assist in recovering from her concussion.

Toni will keep the secret from Marty and Shelby that Fatin pulled out her pocket mirror to give her an update on her face. She'll never tell them that the hospital allowed Fatin as an overnight guest.

It gets quiet for the first time since they've all been in the room on their own. They become acutely aware of the sounding machines. Another somber signal to the reason they are all here together. Bernice looks in between her two girls and opens her mouth to say, "Sweets, can you give us a moment? I just need to talk to Toni alone about some family stuff."

Marty nods lovingly, holds onto Toni's hands for a second, and walks away, arm still extended like she's reaching out. She pushes the curtain away and gives Bernice and Toni privacy.

Toni becomes very shy and starts acting as if everything changes. She pulls the blanket up higher, almost creating a barrier, another wall. Bernice goes to sit on the bed, still moving slowly and lightly, working hard not to startle Toni.

"We can be a family?" Toni asks childishly.

Bernice tilts her head at her, "Well, now it can be official. Hun, we've always been a family." She clutches onto Toni's good hand, her thumb smoothing circles. "I need to ask you a few things. And I knew you wouldn't answer honestly if I asked them with Martha in the room."

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