Chapter 51

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AN: WE ARE GETTING SEASON 2!!!!!! MAY 6!! tw: updated the tags for this chapter. mentions and depictions of domestic violence. beware last paragraph.

Shelby makes her way through the bus, she's the last of the students, having sat in the back avoiding everyone. Which was to the chagrin of the other students as the back of the bus is arguably the best and rowdiest place. But Shelby had taken her place in the last seat, arms crossed, stewing from the day's activities without Toni. So, as she walks through the single aisle, with her backpack shifted around to the front, the zipper open, she is stuffing something inside. Maybe as a surprise and maybe a peace offering, Shelby bought a large flower from the gift shop for Toni. She just barely gets the zipper closed as she hops off the last step from the bus.

The kids are all flocking to their cars, friends riding with them, even the teacher bolting to the teacher's lot. Most cars are speeding out of there, Fatin being a crazy driver, Shelby swears she sees Leah holding onto the door handle as they speed past.

There's a car she doesn't recognize, which as class president, she knows everyone and their make and model number at school. The school's not that big, but Shelby prides herself in being familiar with the student body.

There's a man, squinting into the sun, holding a brochure from the school. He tries to look around the bus at the school's name.

"Hey there! Excuse me, sir?" She says brightly, skipping over to him. "Don't I know you?" Shelby recognizes him, but can't place him.

He spins around, a little delayed, and his feet twisting on the gravel. "I believe we met last Sunday—your father is the pastor?"

From church. This was the man Dave had introduced to her after the service. After Dave's pointed sermon about Toni.

Shelby claps her hands together, "I knew it! What are you doin' out in the blazin' heat like this?" She spots the brochure in his hands, "Oh, are you movin' here? I can schedule a tour for you and your family if you'd like!"

The man jokes, "Oh, it's just a prospective thing. Your basketball team could use some work, if I'm being honest." He adds, "The boys' team, not the girls."

The bus drives away. Shelby laughs, playfully pushing the man's arm.

Toni has to take a minute to blink, thinking her eyes are playing tricks on her. But they are not. She sees her foster father on school grounds. And Shelby is standing right in front of him. She's giggling with him, throwing her head back, lightly holding his shoulder as she laughs.

"How does she know him?" Toni mumbles to herself.

Toni can't hear them. It doesn't matter. She slams on the door, ditching Dot behind her, and runs towards them.

Shelby's back is to Toni, so Shelby doesn't see her, doesn't even hear the footsteps running up to her over her own laughter. So Shelby is very surprised, even startled when Toni gets in between the two.

Without looking at the blonde, Toni growls, "Go away, Shelby."

Shelby shifts her eyes to her, a little wider than usual, and a little disappointed. Shelby knows it's still about the field trip. She looks at her and knows they still have so much to talk about, but this isn't the place.

So, Shelby recovers with a light, awkward laugh, and twirls the end of her ponytail between her fingers, Shelby says, mostly looking at Toni for the rude interruption, "As I was sayin'..." then her eyes flick back to the man, who is fully taken by Shelby's charm, "Our parish is open to anyone."

The man pays Toni no mind and nods enthusiastically to Shelby. He even puts a hand over his heart, "Oh, you're too kind."

Toni wedges a shoulder in front of Shelby, turns to her and says point blank, "Get the fuck away from me, Shelby."

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