Chapter 64

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Toni lays upright in the hospital bed as she watches Melody and Jobeth enter, with Shelby and Spencer close behind. Toni moves to straighten out the messy blankets, she smooths her hands over her unkempt bedhead hair, and she rolls her lips inward to hide the cut. Toni wishes she could hide a lot of things, the way she can see Spencer's heart break just by looking in his eyes.

Melody leaps up onto the bed, bouncing on the mattress and lays in Toni's lap. Jobeth guards Toni's body, "Melody, I thought we talked about respectin' people's bubbles?" She turns to Toni, "I'm sorry—"

"No, it's okay. I was missing you guys," Toni answers.

"Really?" Spencer asks hopefully.

Toni's eyes flick over to meet Spencer's. She holds the moment, peering into them, Toni responds truthfully, "Of course, I did."

Shelby shares a glance with Jobeth as they watch Toni being so good with the kids. Putting them before herself.

Melody gazes up at Toni, her eyes stare at the bruises. Melody's hands feel the cast, her fingers touch a big block of text and she sounds out, "Mart. Ha." Toni looks down at the Sharpie message on her cast. Martha didn't leave much space for anyone else—it took so long, some of the girls had to leave before they even got their turn.

"Good job!" Toni says, she holds up her good hand for a hi-five. Melody slaps it as hard as she can, which isn't too powerful coming from a kid in single digits. But even Shelby steps up to Melody, crouching down to meet her face to face, "Hey, we talked about bein' gentle, remember?"

Melody's hands fly to her face and she slides them down, "I forgot!" She yells.

And Toni can't keep from squinting at the loud volume. Shelby and Jobeth and Spencer shush Melody. But it's Spencer who looks apprehensive and unsure. One lip pouts out, his eyebrows knit in a thin line. He gets protective, standing closer to the edge of Toni's bed. He lovingly puts a hand on Melody's shoulder and starts pushing her away from Toni, "She's hurt, okay?" He knows a little distance between Toni and Melody can only be beneficial to her recovery.

Melody inquisitively studies Toni's face, "Daddy says you were in a fight."

Everyone stops. Toni and Shelby exchange a knowing glance. Jobeth covers her face. Spencer watches carefully, eyebrows furrowing. But Toni isn't hurt by this brutal admission, she just shrugs at this. She knows there's no need to teach someone as young as Melody the idea of abuse. Melody can't understand the gravity of this situation. And she doesn't want Spencer to even try. He would have the emotional understanding to grasp what happened to her.

So Toni goes along with it, "You should see the other guy."

Melody snickers, Shelby tries to join in laughing to cover the moment. Jobeth rubs at her eyebrow, shifting her purse higher on her shoulder, "Mel? Why don't we give them some space. I hear there's candy at the cafeteria!"

Toni puts a hand out to Jobeth, "No, I really don't mind." She offers Jobeth a grateful smile, "We've got this for a bit if you want to go relax."

Jobeth's face flickers with a glimpse of awe and surprise. The tension in her body releases, she looks in between Shelby and Toni for permission. "Are you sure?" Shelby looks at Toni for the answer.

"I'm sure," Toni says, tickling Melody, her little body squirms and she squeals. "We'll have a great time—or at least, I will have a great time."

Jobeth makes her way to the curtain, looks back at this family, taking in how Shelby's arm is draped over Spencer's shoulders and Melody playing in Toni's lap. She quietly sneaks out for a moment of relief.

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