Chapter 16

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Shelby puts a finger to her lips, shushing Toni who is hopping the fence into the backyard. Her eyes are wide and alert. They keep flicking up to the top window. Her father's room. The light is out. She nods at Toni who makes it over the side.

Toni looks up, too, and lets out a shaky breath. She's still not fully sober, and this was slightly challenging.

"Now what?" Toni whispers, but it's husky and kind of loud.

Shelby whips her head back and grabs Toni's shoulder. "Don't say a word."

Toni nods.

"But I don't know..." Shelby trails off. "I've never done this before."

A grin starts to form on Toni's face, glad she's bringing out the rebellious side of Shelby. Almost proud. Shelby narrows her eyes at her, knowing what she's thinking.

Toni squints back up at the dark window, "Well, you have the keys, right?"

Shelby's eyes widen.

Toni's eyes widen. "Shelby... you took the keys when you left?"

Shelby pats her pockets dramatically, and locks eyes with a shocked Toni, who spins away trying to figure out how to break into Shelby's own house.

But then Shelby holds up the ring of keys with a quiet giggle. Shelby smiles, enjoying the look on Toni's face.

"I'm not an idiot. Let's go." Shelby says, walking away, leaving Toni stunned.

They sneak in through the kitchen. The place that was the catalyst to the kiss. To the night. To its following events. Toni completely avoids the living room, knowing she'll probably never step foot in there again.

The floorboards creak underneath her feet. She freezes and looks back at Shelby whose hands motion to calm down. Toni tiptoes, trying to walk as lightly on her feet as possible.

Shelby looks back to confirm that everything in the house is exactly as it was. She lets out a small breath. They make their way up the stairs. Shelby stops at her own room, and turns back to Toni who's at her door.

They smile at each other. Toni walks up to Shelby, interlocking their hands. She squeezes twice and steps backwards, their fingers losing touch. Shelby nods at her, and closes the door.

Toni watches the door close completely. She leans her head back on her own door and lets out a sigh. She twists around and slowly turns the knob to the door quietly.

She enters her room, closing the door behind her. They made it. They really did it. And to her knowledge, Dave never knew.

Toni bites her lip, a smile escaping them. She shakes her head at the crazy events of the night. She winces at the memory of drinking way too hard, but her shoulders relax as she thinks of the kiss. The hug. The stars.

She plops down on the bed. Sees her own glow in the dark stars and smiles. Is this what peace is? She asks herself. She's never really felt it before. But it's nice.

Her eyes get heavy and she drifts to sleep.

The morning comes too quickly and too brightly. And it doesn't feel anything like peace. Toni's head is pounding. She's completely dehydrated. She groans and rolls over.

Five fast knocks hit her door.

And now the morning comes too loudly. The knocks are as blaring as sirens in Toni's ears. She stuffs the pillow on top of her head, trying to buffer the sound.

The knocks continue, and then Shelby bursts through the door.

"School, Toni!" Shelby exclaims.

Shelby is way too loud and way too pretty for Toni at this moment so she hides underneath the covers. But they quickly get pulled off of her.

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