Seven - Please let me explain

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Lettie's pov

I'm never forgiving that dick. Ever.

I'm so pissed off. I don't think i'm even that pissed off about what they did to me anymore. More about what they did to Laddie and Star. I looked back in the little mirror of the car to see if Star and Laddie were okay.

Star looked upset and shocked. She had trusted the boys. Had trusted david and they still did this to her.

Laddie looked scared and tired. He must have been confused on what was happening but by the sounds of everyone shouting he'd probably gathered that something really bad had happened.

"Shall we go back to mine?" Sarah whispered to me.

"No. star, laddie and me won't be able to get up in the morning and if your brothers come back they'll realise that those two are vampires too. Go to my house." I whispered back and sarah nodded.

It wasn't a long drive back but it seemed to take hours for the four in the car. When we finally did get back to mine I picked laddie up who'd fallen asleep and star looked as if she was about to also.

"Star you and laddie can take the bedroom on the right. I'll grab you some spare clothes now."I said passing laddie to sarah and she took him upstairs.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything. I don't kno- I don't know what i would have done." Star said beginning to cry. I walked forward hugging the girl a few tear slipping from my eyes as well. This was a lot. Too much.

"It's okay. Honestly we'll get through this together." I said and star nodded letting go of me and heading upstairs.

I couldn't stop thinking about it all. How i trusted marko and he did this. How star must feel the same about david. How they did this to a little boy.

It was all to much. I felt overwhelmed. My head was spinning and it wasn't slowing down. I needed to sit down.

I was sat on the couch and Sarah walked into the room sitting next to me.

"Hey it'll be okay. I promise. We'll fix this." She said grabbing my hand.

"I know but how. How could they do this. Especially to Laddie he's just a little boy." I sobbed.

"I know let's. I know." She said hugging me. "I need to ask one thing and i'm really sorry for doing it."

I looked at her and she looked me back in the eyes sorrow filling her face.

"Do you think you feel so bad for Laddie because of Angela?" she asked.

Angela. Sweet little angela. Sarah knew. Sarah knew exactly what i was feeling. I had told her the story about what happened to the sweet little girl called Angela and how i couldn't save her. How horrible things happened to her and i couldn't help her. I just looked down not meeting sarah's eyes.

"Oh lettie. What happened with Angela wasn't your fault and neither is this."

Angela was only 8 when it happened. When i lived back in England i used to babysit Angela. She was a little angel. She never swore. She was sweet to everyone. She would listen to what you would say.

Then last november i was walking to her house. Her parents were going out for the night on a date. They'd left 10 minutes before i got there. It was a dark walk along the streets. I hadn't got my bike yet so i used to walk or cycle everywhere.

I was two minutes away from her house when a black car drove past me. It gave me a weird feeling. The look in the man's eyes who was driving the car was horrible. I knew then something was wrong. I walked faster to Angela's, in the end i was running.

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