Eight - Let me stake him

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Lettie's pov

We were all nervous. Well except for laddie, he couldn't wait to see the boys again. Star was nervous on what david would say after she just walked away from him. She was thankful that he helped her but also a little upset he didn't at least warn her.

Sarah hated them all. Even though they didn't do anything to her, they still pissed her off. She says all she wanted was a chilled summer and they just had to come and ruin it. It wasn't completely a lie.

We all jumped into Sarah's car, we waited most the day till the sun was low so star, laddie and me wouldn't have to wear sunglssses everywhere but also not to dark that the boys will be up.

We spent the whole of last night and today planning what we had to do but everytime we came to one conclusion. We had to talk to them. And no not the rather annoying biker boys. But instead their number one fans. Edgar and Alan.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Sarah asked

"Definetly not." i said shaking my head. As soon as the twins find out that i'm actually vampire they'll probably go ape shit at sarah. They may have their suspicions but i don't think they're 100% sure. We got to the broadwalk and sarah parked but no one left the car

"Anyone else shit scared?" I asked and they all agreed with me except for laddie who giggled at my language. We slowly left the car and made our way to the comic book shop.

"Right remember the plan?" Sarah said quickly looking at us.

"There wasn't one." Star replied.

"Oh yeah. Well good luck to us then." Sarah looked down before walking into the shop.

"Well this is going to be fun." I groaned following her in. We walked around for a few seconds before we spotted the twins. They had their usual militarily like clothing and hard expressions on.

"Sarah. What are you doing here?"" A deep voice asked. Edgar

"And where have you been?" Alan added on

"What can't i just come visit my lovely brothers." sarah said nervously. The boys expressions didn't change and they continued to stare at her. Fuck i'm happy i'm not her right now.

"Okay fine we need to talk to you." She said and the two boys nodded walking to the back of the shop, motioning for us to follow.

"So?" Alan raised an eyebrow and us. Laddie had gone to look at some comics which made the plan, well free styling plan a little easier.

"I believe you." The blonde girl said

"You believe us about?" Edgar asked

"The vampires obviously you idiot. What else do you talk about." Star and I stood silently listening to the siblings conversation. We knew our time to chime in was soon and i don't think either of us was too excited about it.

"And why do you suddenly believe us?" Edgar asked. They both looked a little shocked at their sister

"Because i've seen one."

"Tell us who." Alan said

"Yeah tell us and we'll stake them." Edgar puffed out his chest

"No!" Sarah, Star and i shouted making the few people in the shop look at us

"I'm not telling you who. I just need your help. I- i mean we need protection against these vampires and we'll we couldn't think of anyone else." Sarah said to the two boys.

They looked at eachother nodding before saying in unison "Well help you."

I hate when twins do that. It's so creepy.

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