Four - Everything going to change

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Markos pov

Paul was sat smoking a joint against the fountain occasionally bobbing his head to the music that played. Dwayne was lying on the couch flipping through some book like usual. And david was sat in his wheelchair staring at something in thought and smoking a new cigarette which was freshly lit.

I was lying on one of the couches staring up at the ceiling of the cave. I couldn't stop thinking about her it was weird. The way she made me feel. Usually with a girl she's either there to fuck or as a meal for me. I never really felt actual emotions like how i do for Lettie. Like the type of emotions i felt when i was alive.

I didn't notice David looking at me until he started to talk.

"Marko would you like to share what seems to be on your mind." David asked

"It's his little girlfriend." Paul snickered making me throw a pillow at his head. With the few seconds i had i needed to make something up. I didn't want to tell the boys about the way i felt about lettie. For 1 because paul would take the piss and 2 david would most probably get annoyed and either tell me to just kill her or do it himself.

"Nothing. Just thinking how no one has been added to the group in a while. I thought max wanted us to keep growing it." I said and by the look on David's face it was believable.

"We'll actually i have found someone who i'm thinking of adding to the group." David smiled. Dwayne sat up and Paul started to jump towards us then throw himself on the couch.

"Oh tell us tell us tell us." Paul said smiling.

"It's a girl. Her name is star. I have spoken to her and i think she would be a good fit for the group." David said

"And what is this star like?" dwayne asked.

"Well paul will like her. She likes to party and do dangerous shit." David said

"Sounds exactly like my type of girl!" Paul laughed. When david said this about Star all i could think about is how it sounded like lettie. Shaking my head i stood up.

"I'm going to go get food. I won't be long." I said and started to walk away.

"Get something nice!" I heard Paul shout as i left the cave. I jumped on my bike and drove towards the Broadwalk. I could shake this thought out of my head.

Why was Lettie making me feel this way. I felt like i needed to see her. It annoyed me to think like that. Why should i need to see a random human girl. She was distracting me. Maybe if i told david and he told me she needed to be killed he'd have a point. No. She can't be killed. I wouldn't let it happen. No one is allowed to hurt Lettie.

But why. For fucks sakes Marko you sound like an idiot. You hardly know the girl. And she's human for fuck sakes.

I parked along the broadwalk trying to shake the thought out of my head as much as i could. I walked up to the Chinese restaurant. It was one of the best restaurants along the broadwalk. I looked in through the window and that's when i saw her. Lettie.

Her brown hair falling over her face. Her smile. She smiled when the lady brought her the menu and it gave me a weird feeling. A feeling i haven't felt for a long time. I noticed how she scrunches her nose and squints her eyes a little as she reads the menu like how one of my friends used to do when i was human because he needed glasses but refused to get them. I finally walked into the restaurant.

"Lettie?" I said. She looked up straight away her face lighting up a little. She smiled at me and i got that feeling again. For fuck sakes why that feeling.

"Hello Marko." She said. Fuck me the way my name sounds when she says it. Right marko pull yourself together fucking hell.

I walked up to the counter and the lady smiled at me before saying "The usual i'm guessing."

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