Eight - A year later

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time skip (1year later)

Lettie's pov -

A year has passed since i had changed into a vampire. Everything was different now but we got used to it. The boys taught us everything we needed to know. Me and star made our first kill together and we'd grown very close. Laddie was eight now and was still growing like the boys had said. Sarah might not be a vampire but she was definitely part of the group. She was smart and kept us out of trouble. Well at least tried to keep paul out of trouble. Ever since the two started dating she tried to make sure he wasnt doing really crazy shit but most of the time she gave up and joined in with him. Me and Marko had been together for a while now. It took a little bit of time to get where we are now but i guess everyone makes mistakes. After a while star laddie and me moved into the cave. Lucky we got actual beds rather than having to sleep upside down which i still found a bit weird.

But here we were a year later. The boys and me were walking along the carousel. Star and Sarah had gone to take Laddie on the big dipper as he was finally tall enough.

I walked behind Marko. He turned around occasionally flashing me his cheeky smirk. We got to where some seat were and i saw david holding some blonde womens face. Her old surfer nazi boyfriend definetly wasn't happy about it. He pushed dwayne and tried to swing for david. All the boys charged at him. I stood leaning against a horse amused at what was going on till a security guard came and pulled david back putting a bat around his throat to hold him back.

"I told you to stay off the broadwalk." The security guard said glaring at us all. The carousel stopped and the guard let go of david.

"Okay. Come on guys let's go." David said with a smirk. We all left smiling at the guard and couple. I can guarantee there going to end up as a meal for handling david like that.

We jumped off the carousel and it started up again. David the last to get off. He nodded at us and we knew they were going to be our next targets.

A few hours later the broadwalk shut. Everyone was at home except for the security guard from the carousel which was very lucky for us. Sarah waited with laddie in her car. The boys, Star and me waited for the man to walk to his car and the we started out attack.

He spotted us above him and started to run and scream. He frantically tried opening the door of his car but David grabbed him pulling him up, the car door ripping off as well. Dinner.

Sam Emerson's pov -

We were driving along the shore on our way to Santa Carla. We had to move to Santa Carla afte my parents got divorced because my mom ended up with nothing so decided to move us to our granpas house. I definetly missed Phoenix and i wasn't going to make a big effort to hide it like my brother michael was. Mom said we were close now and started to sing some song making me cringe. I saw the welcome sign to Santa carla and suddenly a strong smell hit my nose.

"Hey what's that smell?" i asked

"Ahhh that's the ocean air." She replied.

"Smells like someone died." I said making a disgusted face

"Aw honey. Look guys i know the last year hasn't been easy but i think you're really going to like living in Santa Carla." Mom said.

Yeah sure mom.

We finally arrived at granpas house. It was definetly weird. It was old and wooden. There was wood statues with faces and an axe sticking out. There was loads of wind chimes and bird feeders around as well.

"Come on Nanook." I said holding the truck door open for my dog.

It was quiet and there was no one around. Then we saw some old man lying on the porch. Mom quickly walked up to him gently shaking him whispering Dad.

"Looks like he's dead." Michael said

"No he's just a deep sleeper." Mom answered

"If he's dead can we go back to Phoenix?" i asked which i received a glare off my mom for.

"Playing dead." Grandpa said lifting his head "and from what i heard doing a damn good job of it too."

"Oh dad." mom laughed hugging him.

We went into the house and it definitely was weirder on the inside than the outside. It was very old looking and was filled with weird stuffed animals

"This is a pretty cool place." miachael said

"Yeah for the texas chainsaw massacre." i said back to him

"Come on sam give mom a break."

"What's wrong with this picture?" i asked "There's no tv. Have you seen a tv? I haven't seen a tv mike. You know what it means when there's no tv? No mtv!"

"Sammy, we're flat broke." Mike said lifting some weight so i threw a newspaper at him.

"You little shit." he laughed running after me. I opened a rolling doors to see a weird room filled with loads and i mean loads of stuffed animals

"Talk about the texas chainsaw massacre." mike said making me snicker.

"Rules. We have rules." Grandpa said appearing out of no where. Grandpa took about five minutes telling us the rules which i didn't really listen too. What i'm 15 does he really think i care about rules?

"Grandpa is it true that Santa Carla's the murder capital of the world?" Mike asked and making me listen

"Well there's some bad elements around here." he answered

"Wait let me get this straight. Your telling me we moved to the murder capital of the world?" i said "Are you serious Grandpa."

"Well let me put it this way. If all the corpses buried around here were to stand up all at once we'd have one hell of a population." Grandpa answered

"Oh dad." Mom laughed. I looked to Michael and he made some loopy gesture with his hand making me snicker again.

Grandpa showed us around a bit more and let us choose our rooms. I started to unpack but gave up not long after.

Santa Carla the murder capital of the world. Just great.

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