𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝.

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Later that night.

Marcy woke up in the middle of the night, it was almost 4:am and Anne and Sasha were sleeping peacefully next to her.

'So they snuck in my bed huh.' Marcy thought.

Sasha was sleeping faced the other way, so Marcy couldn't really see her face. Meanwhile Anne's body was turned towards Marcy so she could see her face. Anne had her arm laid across Marcy's stomach.

Again, like I said, Anne was a cuddler.

Marcy stared at the sleeping girl cuddled up against her in adoration. A small smile forming on her face.

'She's so beautiful when she's sleeping. She's so beautiful that she doesn't even look real when she's awake. She almost looks fake. I mean, she's more doll-like when she's sleeping.'

'And when I went over to her house to study with her for a test it was just like a dollhouse. The nice parents, crazy dirty siblings, and peaceful grandparent that loves quiet.'

Marcy blinked a couple of times to clear her blurry eyesight for a better look at her sleeping crush, Anne. Her breathing was so soft and quiet, almost like a soothing lullaby to put a newborn baby to sleep.

'I still can't quite believe the two of them actually took me to prom, it doesn't feel real at all.'

'I can't wait to express my love for them.'

'Anne really is beautiful, I have always thought so since the first time I met her. Her eyes were always a sort of comfort to me for some reason.'

The two had stayed awake very late since the next day would be the last day of school for them. And of course, Sasha went to sleep first. Anne had only been sleeping for about thirty minutes, and yet Marcy had already missed the way Anne's eyes would look at her. She missed the tenderness, the care.

'Recently I just noticed how dynamic the features in her face were. When I look at her, it's as if those features could pull my entire attention and fade everything else away. It was so captivating that sometimes my breathing will come faster and faster as she comes closer and closer. I could feel my hands get clammy and my heart pound loudly outside my chest.' Marcy thought.

'The features that stand out the most to me are her eyes, her eyes are most pretty and lovely. When my eyes gaze into her shiny eyes I feel great euphoria.'

'But still, her eyes always caught my attention the most. They're chestnut-amber, like antique jewelry. I could connect with her just by glancing at her eyes, wait for her to grin, and feel my body rush with excitement.'

'Whenever she goes out on a sunny day, her eyes play with light the way honey teases an unsuspecting sunbeam. When the sunbeam notices the honey it looks like tea... warm orangey-brown and is intrigued by the warmth's imitations and so is trapped. Fascinated, it slants into the honey from a higher angle or a lower angle and is enthralled, finding itself a splinter of amber fire caught on a viscous lantern that shines with such golden sweetness that to part from beauty is as good as death. The honey dark again waiting sweetly to catch another darting glance of another slender Ray of light.'

'Her eyes glisten like opalescent liles in a lake of celestial cowering like a gargantuan beast compared to her beetle leg eyelashes.'

'If gods did exist her lush pupils would be their home.'

'Her eyes flood with the tinniest kiss that cause her to pause and encapsulate into a state of mystification flecks of gold scattered through her iris.'

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now