𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞.

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Marcy regained consciousness. She flinched due to the loud sound coming from the alarm clock on the nightstand next to her bed. She opened her eyes to see her mother no longer on her bed. 'Welp, looks like she left me, again. I mean, it's not like she never stayed for anything important.'

Annoyed at the sound still coming from the alarm clock, she reached her arm out and threw the alarm clock at the wall, stopping the sound.

'Welp, I'm pretty sure I broke it. Not like I care anyways.'

Marcy grabbed her phone to look at today's date. It was indeed Monday. 'Oh great, another day of hell.'

Marcy sat up from her bed and immediately fell back down once she felt immense pain coming from her chest area. The pain was so bad that she actually cried out. Seems like her scar still brought her some pain. She takes pills for it, but only every once in a while. So sometimes the scar would act up and bring her pain. 

Marcy bit her lip to forbear from crying out again.

She tightly shut her eyes, trying to distract herself from the immense pain. Shes Marcy Wu for gods sake, shes perfect, amazing, makes no mistakes. 

She shouldn't be crying over a scar that exists because she got brutally stabbed through the back into the chest by a hot fire sword and it hurt like hell. 

She shouldn't be crying over that little bit of pain.

She tried hard to blink the unshed tears away so she wouldn't start sobbing uncontrollably. A few minutes pass of her trying not to let the burning tears behind her eyes fall and she finally gave up. Marcy let out a sob, a hard one.

She didn't care how much her lungs burned with each and every sob she let out, she didn't care if the scar on her chest hurt even more, she didn't care about how much her mind tried to convince her that her friends wouldn't like to see her cry, she didn't care if she woke up her strict parents, she didn't care if neighbors that passed her house and heard her sobbing were concerned, she just wanted to get that terrible sad feeling out of her stomach, to get rid of the heartache she went through every day. 

She hated life, she hated the scolding her parents put her through every single day just because she took a single breath, she hated everything she used to love ever since the incident with her friends. 

It's like she falls into a bottomless pit every time shes without her beloveds.

Her parents are fucked up for thinking it's a phase.

They say happiness will find you, but i think sadness will too. It sneaks up on you in the darkness, it knocks on your front door, just when you think you've made it through. Just like how the three thought they lived happily ever after but the core got its revenge. Sadness opens holes in what was solid ground, the kind of holes you never know are there until you go to take another step and find that you are standing on air. The world around you passes by, in blurs of colors and sound. Nothing around you making sense, as you continue your plummet down, you can't remember how it started, and you don't know when it will end. But you know that you'd give anything to stand up on your feet again. Sadness is that feeling where the falling doesn't stop. And it saps your life of meaning. So when you finally hit rock bottom, and you look back up at the sky, what you once had seems so far away.  The only thing left to do is cry. People all yelled out "save yourself." Calling out things about "happiness" or "hope", like Marcy's parents. But they're too busy with their own lives to realize that their daughter isn't doing okay.

It'd be a lot quicker if they let down a rope.

Marcy's sobbing had calmed down and so had the pain from the scar, but only a little bit. She got up from her bed and pulled off her pajama shirt. Marcy stared intensely at the scar down on her chest and ran her finger up and down it. She jumped a bit at the contact but quickly calmed down. Once she was done examining the scar on her chest, she put on her usual grey hoodie and green skirt and packed her nintendo switch to put in her school backpack.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now