𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞.

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There's a surprise waiting for you guys in this chapter:>

Marcy regained consciousness. She slowly opened up her eyes and rubbed them to clear up her blurry vision. She then sat up from her bed and turned her head to see sleeping Anne and Sasha. She stared in admiration, they looked so beautiful.

Sasha placed her hand on Anne's head of curls. She gently caressed her hair. Anne stirred around in her sleep which meant she felt it but was too tired to take action. As she stirred in her sleep she began mumbling random things that Marcy absolutely could not comprehend.

"No... no licorice.. No more, please."

Marcy giggled quietly as she continued stoking her best friends head.

'So cute..' Marcy thought.

'Hm, it's been a while since I've done something nice for these two goofs, a nice breakfast would be nice. Anne is always cooking for us after all.'

Marcy took her hand away from Anne's head and got up from her bed. She put on her cute pink slippers and headed out of the room, smiling at the sight on her bed before she shut the door behind her.

Sasha awoken at the sound of the door shutting. Like I said, the smallest of noises wake her up. Sasha rubbed her eyes and let out a big yawn. Anne was fast asleep, limbs spread all over the bed while she was laying on her back. Sasha smiled at the sight, and then lied back down and snuggled into Anne's tummy.

Anne stirred a bit at the sudden contact. She slowly opened up her eyes and looked down to see Sasha lying on her stomach.

Oh god Sasha was so clingy in the morning.

"I know your up Anne. If your questioning why Marcy is gone then she's probably in the kitchen. Her slippers are gone and I smell a nice aroma coming from downstairs so she's probably fixing up some breakfast. I'm surprised she hasn't burned down the kitchen yet." Sasha said.

"Hmm, it's always me making breakfast. It only makes sense for her to want to make us breakfast all of a sudden. Also she probably wanted to surprise us so I'm pretty sure we just ruined the surprise by finding out." Anne responded.

Sasha snuggled deeper into her tummy and didn't say anything else after that. Anne looked down at Sasha laying on her stomach as she felt a heat go up to her cheeks.

'We're so close together...' Anne thought.

After being silent for what felt like moments, Sasha broke finally opened her mouth.

"Hey Anne, have you ever felt like, self conscious..? Or.... insecure? I know Marcy has some insecurities but we've been so busy focused on her that we haven't really taken care of our own flaws." Sasha said.

"Uh, yeah. I've felt a lot of things before, and most of those feelings are negative. I've never really loved myself, and that's why I always let people walk all over me and do what they wanted in the past. I'm gullible, a total idiot. And I'm stubborn, so stubborn. If I had listened to you when you told me that King Andrias was bad then Marcy wouldn't have to endure the pain of the scar on her chest. I don't normally talk about these things with anyone. So it's humiliating for me." Anne said as she covered up her face in embarrassment.

"I can assure you that none of the negative things you are saying about yourself are true. Is there any other insecurities you have? I'd like for you to open up a bit. I can be your therapist if you'd like, I'm planning on being one when I get older." Sasha comforted.

"I don't know..... I've been feeling very self conscious about my whole appearance lately, my hair becomes a mess so easily, I get dark circles under my eyes when I first wake up, I'm very skinny and scrawny, and now that I think about it, I'm not really anything to look at." Anne continued.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now