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I read a lot, so i got some ideas from a funny book i read a few years back:)

And please tell me I'm not the only one that likes the cuddling and snuggling tag for amphibia fanfics on ao3

Marcy was waiting in front of Sasha and Anne's locker. The two girls had finally attended school after not showing up for weeks. Marcy jumped up and waved at them with a big grin on her face as they walked down the hall to greet her.

Marcy walked towards them and opened her mouth to speak  but before any words could come out of her mouth she was met with a certain redhead that had jumped on Sasha and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"Sashy! Where were you!? Do you know how worried I was about you while you were gone!?" Heather asked, burying her face further into the crook of Sasha's neck.

Seeing the one person she hated so close to the one person she loved made Marcy's blood boil. 

Anne was side-eyeing both of them, she looked pretty pissed too.

"If you got injured or hurt while you were gone then i can take care of you very well! At least way better than a certain someone...." Heather offered.

Sasha wore a nervous smile and rubbed the back of her neck as she slowly pulled Heather off of her. "H-Hehe, thanks for offering but I'm fine I promise." 

Marcy rolled her eyes and looked away from both of them with her arms crossed. There was something she noticed though, something on Heather's nose. She couldn't quite get a glimpse of it though because of how much Heather was fidgeting while hugging Sasha.

Oh, forgot. Sasha and Anne don't know about the drama Marcy got in while they were gone. Welp, they're gonna freak out.

"Oop! My friend group is right there! I gotta go Sashy, I'll see you later!" She said before hugging Sasha tighter and running over to her friend group.

'Tsk, idiot knows nothing about personal space.'

Marcy had already put her things away into her locker, but Anne and Sasha hadn't yet. They both walked over to their lockers, but were shocked at what they witnessed when they opened it up.

Sasha and Anne opened up their lockers and were about to put their things inside when a bunch of pink envelopes fell out of their lockers and onto the floor. The two girls both stared down at the floor in shock.

"What the heck!? That's like forty nine letters!" Sasha shouted, in disbelief.

Marcy felt her face heat up at those few letters.

"Woah, this person really must be determined in confessing their love to us. We've only been gone for weeks and there's already so many letters, who could it be? I mean, should we try comparing their handwriting to someone else's? Should we spy and see if anyone walks to our locker and puts a note inside?" Anne suggested.

"Hehe, I'm going to go to class now, okay bye!" Marcy said as she ran away quickly.

Sasha raised one of her eyebrows in confusion as she watched Marcy run into her class. "What's up with Marcy? She's been acting pretty strange lately."

"Sash, something is always up with Marcy. There's never anything new so don't even be surprised." Anne chuckled.




Marcy, Sasha, and Anne were all sitting at the lunch table eating their lunch. Meanwhile, the table was silent. There was nothing really to talk about so they just sat there in awkward silence. Marcy tried to make things less awkward so she attempted talking, right as soon as she opened her mouth to say something, guess what happened?

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now