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Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, etc. are the property of JK. Rowling and Rick Riordan. The OC characters and storyline are purely my imagination running wild. My story is for entertainment only and is not part of any official storylines. I do not have any association with J. K. Rowling or Rick Riordan even though I wish I had. No copyright infringement is intended.

AN: Hi guys...I am back! I am so so sorry that I've been gone for so long. Life has been chaotic these last few months, but I have never given up on writing and updating my fanfiction. I am posting Chapter 16 today and Chapter 17 will be ready this weekend. Hope you enjoy it. So, guys Read and Review...


Chapter 16

While Lyra was speaking with the professor, Artemis rounded up her girls and set off to her cabin, hoping to have a private meeting of her own.

Moments after returning to the comfort of their cabin, Artemis waited patiently for all her girls to get comfortable. Artemis allowed her gaze to fall upon the four girls who had risked their lives on this stupid quest that caused her so much pain and burden.

"Well, while we wait for Lyra to finish up, why don't the five of us have a quick talk," The goddess finally stated, after her intense scrutiny. "I want to know how you feel about the recent developments that happened these last few days?"

The four young questers took all the time they needed to consider what to say to the question their lady had just asked of them. Meanwhile, the other young huntress decided to listen from where they all went to relax, curious about what went down on the quest.

Thalia was the first of the four to respond to the question, taking only a few minutes to articulate her answer. "To be honest, I feel great. For the first time in my life as a demigod, I don't have the great prophecy looming over me. I also hope to find the same kind of family relationship that I witnessed between Skye, Lyra, Bianca, and Zoe. It would also be great to live my life as normally as a demigod in my position could."

The next one to answer Lady Artemis was young Bianca. "Honestly, these past few days have been a roller-coaster of emotions that I still need to fully deal with; however, I am glad that I finally found a chance to be part of a family. There will be times that I will miss Nico. He is still my brother, and a bond like that cannot be broken. Not only that but finding out that you lived in a hotel that froze the ageing process is quite shocking, but it is as it is. There is so much that I've lost, so much I've forgotten, however, I'm also certain that the hunt, Lyra, and you, Milady, will help me and be there for me and help me to relearn or to remember the things I have lost and forgotten."

Zoe looked over towards Skye to see if she would be next to answer their lady, however, the young hybrid still needed a bit more time to compile her answer. The lieutenant took a few more moments before she answered their lady with a slight sigh. "Milady, I truly don't know how to feel. Foremost inside me, I have this overwhelming sense of guilt. It was my father who took you captive. It was my father who almost caught the beast to sacrifice and start the war. Not only that, but it was my father that harmed and almost killed Skye. Then there is the anger. So much anger. This is mainly directed at myself, I wasn't good enough. I was too slow or too far away when you and Skye needed me the most. I have let down my family, and I have brought disgrace to my title as a lieutenant of the hunt. Then there is the hatred that I can feel building within me, I want to tear my father and those who wronged our family apart, I wish to see the light leave their eyes. But I can feel hope, somewhere between all these negative emotions is hope. I am the lieutenant of a strong, powerful family. I may have failed in protecting this family in the past week, but in the future, you can be sure that I will do everything in my power so that this event never happens again. Furthermore, I will live up to be a better lieutenant, I will protect and ensure my family's safety."

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