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Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, etc. are the property of JK. Rowling and Rick Riordan. The OC characters and storyline are purely my imagination running wild. My story is for entertainment only and is not part of any official storylines. I do not have any association with J.K. Rowling or Rick Riordan even though I wish I had. No copyright infringement is intended.

AN: Hi guys, I have finally finished the next chapter and it only took me about 6 months to complete. I am sorry for how long it took, life had been hectic these few months. However, it is time for you all to enjoy.

Chapter 15

Skye slowly woke up to the sound of soft murmuring in the background, opening her eyes, young Skye squinted her eyes ever so slightly as she took in the sound around her. Skye quickly concluded that she was lying on a soft bench in what appeared to be a big carriage of some sort, from what Skye could see. The decoration for the carriage was simple yet very elegant, it was large enough to allow the passengers to sit or in her case lay rather comfortably.

Looking around, Skye quickly saw the relief upon Zoe's and Lyra's faces before turning to see Percy, Thalia, and Annabeth, who all wore sombre faces for some odd reason. Feeling the light presence of another Skye slowly turned to the person behind her.

"Ah, Skye. It's good to see you awake my dear." Artemis murmured as their eyes met.

"Milady!? Are you okay? What happened? I can't recall anything that happened after Atlas struck me with his spear."

"A lot happened when you fell, cub," Lyra murmured. "You were dying of a fatal wound. Your Lady and I arrived just in time to save you. Lady Artemis fed you all the healing potions that I had, this helped to kick start your slow healing process, while I used all the healing magic that I knew to close your wounds and bring you away from death. We were lucky that your unique nature kept you alive long enough for us to heal you after we dealt with Atlas."

Skye was not entirely sure what her godmother meant by her 'unique nature' but decided to have that conversation another time, she did not want the campers in this particular discussion.

"What happened to Atlas? Is he back under the sky" Skye asked before turning to Artemis. "Milady, are you truly, okay?"

The silence that followed was rather thick as both Lyra and Artemis gazed off into the distance trying to gather their thoughts before answering Skye's questions. Skye looked over at Zoe in confusion only to receive a shrug and a pained smile.

"I am okay, little one," Artemis answered after what felt like an eternity. "I am a little bit weaker than I normally am, but I will be fine after a good night's rest."

Lyra knew she had to explain her part in the ordeal in returning Atlas to his rightful place, she only wished that she could have explained it when the campers weren't around. With a pained sigh, Lyra began her tale. "First things first, Atlas has been returned to his rightful place under the sky, so please do not worry about that. Second, I may have lost my temper when that bastard attacked you with his spear. When you fell, it caused a domino effect in my family bloodline, I was already close to triggering the Black family curse before you fell but it fully activated once my godparent bond with you was threatened. Zoe quickly went over to your fallen form, while your Lady and I dealt with Atlas. The battle was fast and brutal but, in the end, we were able to push him back and free Percy from the burden of the sky. Moments after the battle, Artemis and I quickly went over to your fallen form to kick start that unique healing abilities you've got."

"That tells me so much, yet nothing at all." Skye sighed, annoyed.

"I know and I am sorry. It's difficult to explain the battle fully but I will show you the memory once I retrieved the family pensive from the family vault." Lyra said with an understanding smile. "However, I will only explain to you what the Black family curse is once your companions have returned to their daily lives. There are secrets to our bloodlines that are meant for family ears only, with that I meant Potter and Black. I will also start teaching you what it means to be a Potter-Black, but this is something your companions cannot be involved with, but I will allow Artemis and Zoe to join in with the family history after all they are now part of your new family."

The Huntress and her LionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant