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At the edge of the yard, they found an old pickup truck that looked like it was thrown away, but the engine started, and the tank was full of gas. So, it was decided that the group liberated this vehicle and travelled west towards Lady Artemis.

Thalia decided that she would drive, so she dragged Percy and Annabeth with her to the front of the truck leaving the huntresses and Lyra to get comfortable on the back. Thalia navigated them through the desert, under the clear blue skies. The air was cool and dry, in other words, the weather was perfect.

Skye was quietly observing her sisters and godmother as they were heading west. Deciding now is the time to ask Bianca what was so important that had to take from the yard.

"Bianca?" Skye asked quietly.

"Hmm" Bianca acknowledged the hybrid.

"Please do not take this the wrong way, but what was so important in the yard that you needed to take, that accidentally awoke Talos?" Skye asked softly while gazing out into the horizon.

"Ah, I knew that there was something else bothering other than your newly found godmother," Bianca said with a sad smile.

Bianca removed a small little figurine from her pocket before giving it to Skye to look at. "This figurine was the only one Nico still needed for his myth-o-magic game. When I saw it in the junkyard, I knew that I could not leave it, and something was compelling me to take it anyway." Bianca said softly.

"You must really love him," Skye said while looking down at the figurine and noticing that it was a Hades figurine before giving it back to Bianca.

"Yeah, he is my little brother. I will always love him, but I needed to join Lady Artemis. It was time for both of us to find our own way in life, but I will always be there for him if he needs me." Bianca said as she noticed that they were coming to the true issue that was bothering Skye.

"I am sorry it's just that I cannot remember having a loving family and I don't know what it's like to have siblings," Skye said, voice full of pain. "I had a cousin which was the closest to a sibling I most likely had, but he would always follow his parents' example when it comes to me, I was not loved by them so you can imagine what it was like growing up with them, the hurt both physical and emotional become too much one day."

By now both Zoe and Lyra were listening to the conversation going on between Skye and Bianca wanting to help with Skye's pain, but both knew that Bianca would be best to handle this for now.

"I do not like that you had to experience abuse like that, but I am grateful for them for one thing, and before you get upset let me finish," Bianca said, seeing the hurt in Skye's eyes.

"Their treatment drove you to end up finding a family that wants you for who you are Skye and that is why I am grateful. I found a best friend and a sister in one and that is what I see you as." Bianca said before drawing Skye into her embrace knowing fully that this was what her hybrid sister needed.

It took Skye a few moments to calm her emotion enough to move out of Bianca's embrace. "Thank you," Skye said shyly. "I needed the reminder that you guys want me as I am, I don't think that I actually dealt with the emotions of my time with my relatives."

"Hey, do not worry about it, you might not have dealt with your time with your relatives but that does not mean you are alone; we all are here to help and remind you that you are wanted," Bianca said with a soft smile.

"She is right, you know, I have been out of your life long enough, so don't worry we will be there to help you with your demons like I promised your parents, but I will have some words with Dumbledore about your placement with the Dursley's when I see him again," Lyra said softly to her goddaughter.

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