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Headmaster's Office - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 4 Years after Skye transformation.

Albus Dumbledore entered his office with a weary sigh. Today marks the 4th anniversary of the disappearance of one Skye Ariel Potter. This sad day always reminds him of how much he has failed Skye and her parents.

He remembers that day as if it were yesterday.

~~~~~~~~~Flash Back~~~~~~~~~~

He had just returned to Hogwarts from another Wizagamot meeting that ran later than usual. He entered his office, to notice that something was off. All the instruments that were monitoring young Skye were acting up. Dumbledore got worried seeing this, so he decided to floo call Arabella Figg who was keeping an eye on Skye for him.

"Arabella Figgs household" Dumbledore called out, throwing some floo powder into his fireplace.

"Albus is that you." Came the voice of Arabella Figg - shortly followed with the image of her face.

"Yes dear; I am calling to check up on Miss Potter, is everything alright with her?"

"Yes, everything is fine, Albus, there was no dark magic detected..." Miss Figg's face suddenly disappeared from the floo but was back within seconds with an ashen face "Albus I just heard screaming coming from the Dursleys."

"Move aside Arabella- let me step through," Dumbledore stated to Miss Figg who moved swiftly out of the way as Dumbledore stepped into the fireplace, arriving within seconds at Miss Figg's.

"Stay here my dear - I will go over and see, if you by any chance feel unsafe, do not hesitate to step into the floo to go to my office." He said before turning and apparating into the Dursley's residence.

What Dumbledore found still baffles him to this day. Vernon Dursley lay in front of a cupboard in a pool of blood with his head laying to the side, within reach of a highly hysterical Petunia Dursley. Dumbledore had to use legilimency to find out what happened.
What he found chilled him to the bones and because of this he will never forgive himself for putting young Miss Potter with this family - what Vernon and to an extent Petunia did to Miss Potter is unforgivable.

What baffled him the most was what happened to Vernon - the unclear form that attacked Vernon looks nothing like Miss Potter but it could only be her. If this new form truly were Miss Potter, then this transformation could have been the cause for the shedding of all the blood wards, monitoring charms, and the trace that was on her person. Dumbledore could only hope that wherever she is, that she is safe and finds love and acceptance as he now realized that she never received that here.

In the end, Dumbledore had to modify some memories and records, he had to erase all proof of Skye being at the Dursleys. With the Wizarding world, he informed them that Miss Potter had been in an automobile accident and was believed to be killed on impact - unfortunately, this is not for certain as there was nobody to be found. This has kept the Wizarding world from looking for her for now, but he has a feeling that this will change soon enough.

Dumbledore only hopes that one day Skye Potter finds her way back to them and that she is happy and healthy.


An entire ocean away, 13-year-old Skye Potter was also thinking back about everything that she experienced so far.

She remembered the strange encounters that she had that eventually led her to America and to where she is standing now.


It was a few hours after the incident that caused her to run to her first odd encounter, a helpful encounter but odd, nonetheless.

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