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Skye gave a passing glance between Zoe and Atlas, taking in all the family resemblance between the two. With this glance, Skye noticed that Atlas had the same regal expression as Zoe, the same proud look that Zoe sometimes got when she was furious about anything upsetting, but this look upon Atlas is a thousand times darker than on that of Zoe.

"Let Artemis go," Zoe growled in anger at her Lady's treatment.

"Perhaps you would like to exchange places with her then? Take the sky for her?" Atlas asked as he walked closer to the chained goddess causing Skye to tense.

"No! Do not even think about it Zoe, Skye! I forbid it." Lady Artemis panicked.

"Milady..." Skye whimpered softly.

"Lady Artemis, we will free you, that I promise!" Lyra said with conviction while squeezing Skye's shoulder in comfort.

"Wait, I don't understand," Percy said looking confused. "Why can't Artemis just let go of the sky?"

"Oh, how little you understand, young son of the sea." Atlas laughed. "This is the point where the sky and earth met for the first time, where Ouranos and Gaia brought forth their mighty children, the Titans. The sky still yearns to embrace the earth. Someone must always hold it at bay, or else it would crash down upon this place, instantly flattening the mountain and everything within a hundred miles. Once you take the burden, there is no escape, well unless someone else takes it from you."

Skye noticed how Atlas slowly approached Thalia and Percy while observing them. "So, these are the best heroes of the age, eh? Well, not much of a challenge then."

"Believe what you will." Annabeth said, "But nothing you say will stop us from saving Lady Artemis."

Atlas's eyes glowed with hatred before directing his attention towards Thalia.

"Ah, daughter of Zeus, it would seem that Luke was wrong about you," Atlas said with a sneer.

"No, I wasn't wrong," Luke said as he turned towards Thalia. "Thalia, it is not too late for you to join us."

"No Luke, I don't know you anymore m. You have changed from the loving, protective person I once knew to someone that would betray their family and friends at the drop of a hat." Thalia whispered in a broken, pained voice.

But Luke wasn't done. "No, I did not betray you. I just came to acknowledge the truth about the gods on how they use us. With Kronos, we can change that. So, join us! Join me!"

"My answer will always remain the same, Luke. No! You betrayed Annabeth and me and I will never forgive you for that." Thalia growled before continuing. "I will take you back to the camp, to the gods, beaten bloody if I have to."

"Please, Thalia, if you don't agree..." Luke said as his voice faltered.

"Enough, she has chosen her side and it is not with you. But you have to agree this way is more fun." Atlas said in an excited and sadistic way as the battle drew closer.

The time was running out quickly as the army of monsters got closer towards them, Skye knew that if they did not move now then everything would be for nothing.

Skye met Lyra's eyes before receiving a nod of acceptance and approval, it was now or never.

Skye looked at Thalia and Zoe before moving her eyes towards Annabeth and Percy and knew the time had come to fight for their lives and future.

"Now!" Percy said.

With that, the group charged.

Skye could see Thalia and Annabeth charge Luke and the monsters around them in the corner of her eye. Thalia had her shield and spear raised as she jumped into the fight, sharp blasts of lightning and thunder could be heard as she went.

The Huntress and her LionWhere stories live. Discover now