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It was a few hours since Skye took her pledge for the hunt. She was currently sitting against a tree, observing her new family. While she did introduce herself briefly to the huntresses, Skye was still not used to being around a lot of people and wanted a moment to herself.

She could see the girls milling around smiling ever so often to her, and then glaring at the campers, this was so far really fascinating. Skye was so focused on observing the girls and campers that she did not notice Artemis and Zoe leaving the tent until Lady Artemis called everyone together, startling her from her thoughts.

"Huntresses... and campers, I am going to hunt this monster the manticore mentioned. I am going to go after it alone, the monster is too dangerous, and I will not take the risk of you being hurt or worse killed. I will have Apollo bring you all to Camp Half-Blood." Artemis declared.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," Artemis muttered to herself. As the sun broke the horizon, it seemed to get bigger and brighter – as if it were coming closer. "Don't look!" Artemis shouted to everyone, huntresses and campers alike. The heat from whatever this was, was enough to melt the snow in the surrounding area and caused Skye to want to cast a cooling charm or remove a layer of her clothes. Fortunately, the heat and the light did not last long, and they were able to see.

In front of them was a nice-looking car, a cherry-red Maserati convertible to be exact, a car her uncle would have killed too if he were still alive. The driver of the car had attractive enough qualities towards him by overheard the one with the smell of ozone saying he is hot. Of course, the reply from the boy that it smelled like the ocean was nothing but cringe-worthy.

"Little sister!" Apollo called with a bright smile that could blind a person. "What's up? You never call or write. I was getting worried!"

Artemis sighed. "I am fine Apollo; and did I not ask you not to call me that? After all, I had to help mom give birth to you!"

"So, what's up?" Apollo asked, ignoring his sister's claim altogether. "I see you have the girls with you."

Artemis looked positively annoyed. "I need a favour, my huntresses, and these campers need transportation to Camp Half-Blood, I am unfortunately needed for a hunt."

"Of course, sis." Raising his hand in a stop everything gesture. "I feel a haiku coming on."

This caused all the other huntresses to groan, while both she and Bianca looked confused, 'isn't he the god of poetry?' Skye thought.

Clearing his throat as he held up his hand in a dramatic gesture.

"Green grass breaks through snow.
Artemis pleads for my help.
I am so cool."

'Ah well that sucked, no wonder the girls groaned' Skye thought with disappointment.

Pinching the bridge of her nose. "That last line was only four syllables," she said to him.

Apollo frowned. "It was?"

"Yes. What about I am so big-headed?"

"Nope, that is six syllables. Hmm." He started muttering to himself.

Just then Zoe turned to us. "Lord Apollo has been going through a haiku phase ever since his visit in Japan, this is not as bad as the time he visited Limerick if I had to hear one more poem that started with - There once was a goddess from Sparta-"

Shuddering at this, Skye was extremely glad that a haiku was only 17 syllables.

"I've got it!" Apollo suddenly announced. "I am so awesome. There are five syllables!" He bowed, looking extremely pleased with himself.

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