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Skye was minutes away from a full-blown panic attack when they finally returned to the cabin. The whispers of killing or hurting her were bringing up repressed memories of her time at the Dursley's and she hated these feelings of loneliness, hurt and abandonment, after all, she thought she had accepted her past treatment with them.

Zoe seeing this knew that she had to help Skye through her panic as she guided her to the lounge where the other girls were waiting, she knew she needs the girls as well, after all, Skye would need reassurance that she is part of the hunt and that she was never going to be hurt or abandoned by them and Skye was family now.

Sitting down first, Zoe slowly pulled a panicked Skye onto her lap and hugged her from behind, while asking Phoebe to hug Skye from the front knowing from experience that this would help.

Skye at first fought the hold that she was in, but slowly noticed that she was not being hurt, starting to calm down, she noticed that she was being held by Zoe and Phoebe this caused Skye to finally relax into the hold.

Skye's panic attack soon ended leaving her feeling embarrassed and extremely exhausted.

Taking a deep breath before she spoke. "Sorry, I can normally hide the panic attacks until I am on my own." She said softly.

"No don't apologize, Skye, it is okay to have panic attacks like this, you are not the first, each one of the girls had panic attacks before and we all know how to help each other when it does happen, okay?" Zoe said to Skye softly as she stroked her hair in an almost motherly fashion.

"Zoe is right Skye, and you do not need to hide it, we would always help, after all, that is what families do," Phoebe stated.

Skye was suitably overwhelmed as far as she could remember, she never experienced a family that cared for her, this was all so new to her.

Seeing the conflict on Skye's face, Zoe decided to let her work through her emotions and just be there when needed, for now, she decided a change in subject was in order, so she informed the girls what happened at the big house and what led to Skye having her attack.

The girls were suitably pissed at what happened at the big house, but knew that Skye needed them; so, they decided it was best to sleep in the lounge, cuddling up to Skye, comforting her the best way they could.


Breakfast the next morning was a fun affair for Skye, she truly needed this. Last night once again brought up that yes, she never had a loving family until now and yes emotionally she is still a broken abused child that still needs to overcome a lot but that will not stop her to live her life and to have fun.

Sitting at the Artemis table, the girls decided it was time to share some of their past, like tales of their hunts, and pranks they all were involved with, but that did not mean they would exclude Skye as the girls made sure to include both her and Bianca by asking question and stories about themself wanting to get to know them both. It was great fun to be integrated into a close-knitted group like this – it felt wonderful to be wanted.

Soon after breakfast was done, Chiron decided to announce the special Capture the Flag game between the Hunt and the Camp that would take place tonight. He also reminded the camp that the Huntresses were their allies and that harming any of the girls will be brought to the attention of both Artemis and the Olympic Council for punishment.

The girls soon left the dining pavilion, they needed to come up with the perfect plan to beat the campers in the capture the flag game tonight. But first, they needed to know Bianca and Skye's abilities and strengths.

Bianca was chosen to go first, it turned out that she was pretty good with her bow for a beginner, her technique and skill needs a bit of work, but the girls were very happy with her ability. However, they could not train Bianca with her godly abilities as they did not know who her godly parent was.

The Huntress and her LionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora