Ch 7 - "Graduation"

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3rd POV(2 months later, graduation day)

Today was the day they all graduated, Max and Dustin were graduating from middle school and Steve was graduating from his hell life in high school. "Steve dont you have a graduation to go to? Why skip it?" Billy asked as he had finsihed washing the dishes.

"To see Max and Dustin graduate, plus I convinced the principal to give me my diploma yesterday so its all good" Steve said and Billy ginned. "Great, and its better since we both got today off" Billy said and Steve giggled before nodding. "Yeah, it is" he said and started to ranstack the fridge to find the graduation cake he and Billy bought the other day.

"Its not in there" Billy said and Steve closed the doors before looking at Billy "Huh?" He said "I put it in here tho" Steve said. Billy sighed and chuckled "That was a mistake you made, we got an icecream cake not a regular one" Billy said and Steve made an oh face. "Oh shit!" Steve paniced and opened the fridge door to see the cake was there and in good condition.

"Your lucky I seen it in time before it melted" Billy said and Steve gave him an awkward smile "Yeah, thanks for that" he said and Billy nodded "No problem" he said. Steve closed the door and the 2 cane rushing down in beautiful outfits, Max was wearing a wonderful grayish brownish dress that Steve had boughton her just a few weeks ago.

(This dress \/

She'd look beautiful ♡V♡)

And Dustin sat in a plain black and white suit. "You guys look amazing!" Steve said and walked icer to them fixing the small details that stuck out. "Hold up!" Billy said and they looked at him, he grabbed this small white jacket and put it on Max. "There we go" he said and Max groaned "Billy!!" She said and steve giggled.

"Come on were gonna be late!" Steve said and they all rushed to the car, Max had to hold up her dress just so she could walk. They all hopped into the car and Steve sped away to the Hawkins middle school, once they got there they jumped out and where met with the Byers and Ofcourse Jim and Jane/El Hopper.

"Jane!" Max said and hurried over to Jane who was wearing a simple off the shoulder just above the knees blue dress. Jane ran over to Max and they hugged tightly "I can't wait! We can graduate 8th grade and become something adults!" Jane said, shes been getting better at her English just a few more classes and she'll be fluent in English.

Mac smiled and bopped Jane's nose and Jane giggled "I cant wait either!" Max said, they linked arms as Max grabbed the end of her dress and they started to walk inside behind their parents. Once inside the adults went and sat down while the younger teens lined up in the graduation line with the rest of their friends.

The older teens looked at each other and smiled before finding seats closet to the front. Steve pulled out this camera and was getting ready to record, "lets me guess, you want to document this to right?" Billy asked and chuckled. "I will document everything they do because everything they has a special meaning to it" Steve said.

Just then Johnathan, Nancy, Eddie, and Robin sat down next to the 2 with diplomas in their hands. "We got to get them early and this year Eddie finally graduated" Robin chuckled and so did Steve. When Billy first met Eddie a month ago he hated his guts they way he got close to Steve, his Steve and the way he looked at Steve made his blood boil.

But he soon found out Eddie and him had just a nice bond and Eddie was 20 and didnt date people under 19 for obvious reasons. "Oh its starting!" Nancy said and everyone paid attention immediately, a few random people went first then finally Jane walked on stange and was handed a diploma.

After here came Max, Billy and Steve started to scream, then Lucas, Next was Dustin and Steve scremed for him along with Eddie, then Mike, Nancy screamed for him and finally Johnathan scremed for Will who stood very close to Mike and held his arm because of his anxiety. After about an hour of them watching random kids go up and graduate it finally came to an end.

They all ran up and hugged everyone, "Omg you guys were amazing and awesome!" Steve said as he hugged his 2 kids, "Momma did you see me! Did I look okay?" Dustin asked and Steve laughed. "You looked wonderful Dustin!" Steve said, "Max you looked so pretty" Billy said and walked up to Max.

Max jumped in Billys arms and Billy caught her, they hugged and Max cried into his shoulder "Thank you" she had said softly in Billys ear and Billy smiled before rubbing her back. It was emotional and all but after they all disited to go eat and have a feast for their graduation

It wasnt too fancy but it wasnt to original, they all went to this place called 'Violet's dessert' and they all bought a shit tone of candy and sweets. After a few hours they all had diabetes and finally went home to nap all night and even sleep in.

It had become an everyday things for the 2, Billy and Steev always slept with each other. Their legs tangled with each others, they arms wrapped around each other, Steve's head laying on Billys chest while Billys head rested on top of Steve's. Their bodies pressed ahajnt each other during the cold nights to warm each other up with body heat.

They both knew what they were doing and couldn't get anough of it, they were so aware they they both knew what the ither felt but were too chicken to say it. Maybe one day they'll confess their love but for now they just show it threw affection.

Word Count - 1022

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