Ch 4 - "Morning with the Harrington's"

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3rd POV

Later that night Steve fell asleep on Billys shoulder and Billy fell asleep leaning on Steve's head. Their fingers were intertwined and their hairs were everywhere. Max and Dustin were kinda sleepy so they yawned and got up, "Momma were gonna......go....uhhh" Dustin said and slowly stopped himself as he seen the 2.

"Dustin?" Max said and looked at the 2, she let out a squeal but then shut her mouth and motioned for Dustin to let them sleep. "Lets go to bed and let them sleep" Max whispered as they walked up the stairs, "Go idea" Dustin said and yawned again, Dustin and Max went into their rooms and fell onto their beds passing out immediately.

The next day

Billy woke up and yawned, he was gonna go stretch but seen Steve was still sleeping on him and their fingers were locked in with each others. His cheeks went a light shade of pink and he smiled softly. He carefully laid Steve's head on the back of the couch and slowly slipped his hand from Steve's grip.

He got up and yanwed again before stretching and popping his back, he glanced at Steve one more time and debated on doing it. He looked at the clock and seen it was only 4 in the morning and they fell asleep around 10 last night. He looked at Steve and finally made his move, he picked Steve up as carefully as possible and started to walked to Steve's room slowly.

Steve grunted and his eyes fluttered open, he looked up and seen he was in Billy's arms, he blushed and yawned before cuddling into Billys chest and falling back asleep. Billy froze for a split second and his cheeks went from light pink to a bright red, but he made his way into Steve's room and caredully laid Steve down onto the bed.

As he was leaving Steve grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the bed cuddling up to him, Billy went from his cheeks being bright red to his whole face being bright red. He swolled a big lump in his troat and wrapped his arms around Steves waist, he closed his eyes and slowly drifted back off to sleep.

3 hours later (7 pm)

Steve's alarm went off and Steve groaned, he reached over and slapped the alarm clock across his room making it hit the wall with a loud bang and falling to the floor with a loud thump. Billy had awoken from the bang and slipped his arms from Steve's waist and rolled over, Steve got up and stretched out a bit before grabbing some clothes and changing.

He looked at his bed to see Billy sleeping and smiled, he walked out and while walking past the 2 kids doors he knocked "Up and reday! Time for school!" He said loudly but not to loud. He walked down stairs after hearing Dustin yelling about how tired he was threw the door and Max yelling at him to shut up threw the wall. He got to the kitchen and got out the eggs, he startes to make scrambled eggs with cheese and once he was done he set them on a plate and on the table.

And just on time too cause the 2 kids ran downstairs and sat down, "Thank you Momma!" They said and Steve smiled, they dug in and Steve ate his own plate. He looked at the clock and seen they still had baout 40 minutes, he looked at the 2 and seen they were a mess, "After breakfast go shower, I can smell you guys from here" Steve said and the 2 whined before finishing and putting their plates in the sink.

"Im taking a shower first!" Max said quickly and ran to the bathroom, "Hey! No fair!" Dustin said and running after her. Steve chuckled and washed the plates, he left a plate of eggs on the table for Billy when he wakes up later.

He seen Dustin run back our od the hallway and upstairs very quickly. Steve sighed and smiled to himself before going into the living room and grabbing the cans of soda that the kids left there. He threw then in the bin by the door and put his shoes on, he started to hum Running up that hill as he got his stuff together and went out to the car.

30 more minutes and now it was Dustins time to shower caise he heard running going upstairs and then running going down the stairs. He grabbed Max and Dustin's backpacks and put them in the back of the car, he turned his car on so it could warm up and walked inside. Max came running down the stairs dressed in a black paie of jeans and an extra large rock music shirt.

"Were gonna stop by the atore on the way to school" Steve said and Max nodded, after about 12 minutes Dustin came out of the bathroom with damp hair that fell to his shoulders. He was already wearing clothes and he quickly put his shoes on. "Alright we got 18 minutes till school, up an at it get in the car yah little street rats!" Steve said in British accent making the 2 laugh.

The got into the car and Steve quickly drove out of the drive way and to the store that was around 5 minutes away from their house.

After Steve gets there they quickly go inside and pick out a few snaxks for school and go to the check out. "That will be 12:51$" The guy said lazily, Steve hands him a 10 and a 5, "Kewp the change!" Steve said quickly and grabbed the bag of food before darting out the door with the other 2 and jumping in the car.

"Alright grab your snacks and shive them in your backpacks" Steve said and the 2 quickly grabbed their backpacks and shives their goodies inside of them. Steve got to school and they had 4 minutes to spare, they got out and Steve walked over to them.

"Have a good day" he said kissing the top of their heads and hurrying inside.

Word Count - 1039

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