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Felix was on a search. Along with a few soldiers and along with Draken, Jonathan. The sound of their horses stomping on the ground, they were on their way to Lazica Kingdom to try and rebuild their destroyed home. Felix signed heavily in exhaustion.

Draken: Did you get enough sleep last night?

Felix: Yeah. *Yawn*

Draken: Because in my opinion I don't think you did.

Felix: Just tired from the travels.

Draken signed and he let it go for now. After a few hours they have arrived. Felix gulped the lump in his throat. He signaled them to stop by raising his fist as a sigh of 'stop'. Felix looked at his destroyed Kingdom. The village was all burned and destroyed. His castle was ruined. The color became black from the burns. Ashes was everywhere on the ground. The sky was grey and it matched the heartbreaking sight of the destroyed Kingdom. Felix looked away as he cannot look at the destroyed Kingdom anymore. It hurts him to see his beloved Kingdom destroyed. Felix was the first one to move his horse, his men following his action.

Jonathan: Whoever did this, sure is going to pay for this.

Draken: Damn right.

Felix stayed silent. He couldn't bring himself to speak. He was just silent.

Felix: Search the area. See if there is any traps.

He told them.

Man 1: But my King, the Kingdom is already burned to ash. I'm pretty sure there are no more traps.

Jonathan: Just gonna ask who are you again and what are you?

Man 1: I am Joan and I am a soldier, Captain.

Jonathan: Mm, but tell me are you the one who tells everyone what to do? Do you think you're the King?

Man 1: N-no Captain-

Jonathan: Exactly. So shut your mouth and search the area and see if there is any traps.

The man sighed.

Jonathan: Did you just sign?

He asked. The man tensed up. But a hand stopped Jonathan but going any further.

Draken: Just let him be. Let's not waste time.

He said. Jonathan scoffed before turning his horse away and walking beside Felix who was only sitting on Sora that was standing still.

Jonathan: My King?

Felix: Let's begin. We don't have all day.

Draken nodded.

Draken: Start searching!

He commanded. The men immediately did as told. The three was only silent.

Jonathan: My King, how are we gonna rebuild our home? Whoever did this sure did leave a pretty bad damage. They got some nerves too.

Draken: We should have our people help each other rebuilding it. And also, I'm sure there are some experts in Nyland that are good at rebuilding. Well, it's Nyland after all, I wouldn't be surprised if they manage to make a whole new castle in their Kingdom.

Jonathan: I agree.

Felix: Don't worry about that. I'll take care it. For now, can I trust you both that you will take care of this?

Jonathan: *Chuckles* You can count on us.

Felix: That's good to hear. Thank you.

Draken: Don't thank us. It's for us anyway.

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