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Silence. All he could hear was silence. As he was sitting in the dark. Sipping on his wine. Watching the silent night continue to fall. He signed heavily under his breath and continue to watch. He heard the door open.

Zardoz: Bad news, I expect.

Zach: Precisely.

Zardoz: Go on with it.

Zach: The outsiders failed. They got themselves killed.

Zardoz: By Skye, correct?

Zach: Yes, that would be correct.

Zardoz: *Sigh* All of them?

Zach: Three.

Zardoz: Three? And the others?

Zach: Survived.

Zardoz: The real reason why I sent them there?

Zach: Confirmed. Skye is well in Asura village. Hiding.

Zardoz: Hiding huh? Hmm.

Zach: But there's one more thing you need to know.

Zardoz: Which is?

This will be a long way to go. A long explanation too.


Vanessa was cleaning Skye's wounds. His bruised cheekbone. He hissed when she pressed the cotton on his bruised cheeks.

Vanessa: Apologies.

Felix was watching the whole thing. His mind was going everywhere.

Skye: You're quiet Felix. Is there something on your mind?

He didn't respond.

Vanessa: With that look on his face, I'm certain there is. A big one I might say.

Felix didn't respond. He just stood up from his seat and left. The two watched. Sighing softly.

(Felix's POV)

Felix sat down on his bed. Stared at the window. Watched the full moon shined brightly in the dark sky. Felix signed heavily. He turned to look at his armor sitting on the table. He stood up and walked towards the armor and caressed the cold metal. This was made by his father, that Arthur gifted to him when he had gotten older. He believed that his father said that this armor would protect him. Keep him stay alive even at certain situations. He turned to look at his reflection in the mirror. He chuckled dryly by how pathetic he looked like. Just pathetic. He walked towards the bed and sat down.

Vanessa: Having deep thoughts again are we?

Felix: Deeper than you think.

Vanessa walked inside and sat down beside him.

Vanessa: You're doubting yourself again. Pushing yourself over the end. I told you to stop doing that.

Felix: I'm trying. But these? All of these? It's hard not to. If you were in my situation you would probably do what I am doing.

Vanessa: Do what? Doubting myself? Pushing myself? You're wrong my dear. I know to myself that i will win. To save my people, to save my home. To save my family.

Felix: Easy to say. But it's hard to do it. I keep seeing people die. Because of me. Innocents are dying, because of me.

Vanessa: No, you're wrong. You're here, doing what you can. To save us.

Felix: I don't believe that. Why do you guys even believe in me?
More than I do? I don't even believe in myself. Everyone who come near me, dies. I'm poison Vanessa. This whole time, whoever gets near me ends up getting killed. Or worse.

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