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Felix pushed through the crowd and ran up to her and put her body beside his and placed her head on his arms and shook her.

Felix: Wake up! Wake up! Rheyna please.... Please wake up!

He yelled out to her but she wasn't responding. He checked her pulse but it was weak, it felt like it was even barely beating.

Felix: Draken! Look for the doctor! Now!

Draken nodded and left to look for the doctor. Felix was shaking her to wake her up, he looked at the other maids and servants who was in shock and confused.

Felix: Rheyna wake up... Please wake up...

He looked at his palm which was covered with her blood.


Felix was pacing around the room while keeping his hands on his hips while walking back and forth. Draken was standing on the door, while keeping his eyes on her.

Doctor: My King, she's okay now.

Felix let out a sigh of relief when he heard that.

Doctor: But I might say that, there are some bad news.

Felix: What is it? Is there any injuries?

Doctor: There are no injuries. Fortunately for her. The only injury here is her head. Which I might say is not that major but it is a bit serious since her head was hit by some kind of hard object, like a wine bottle. But luckily, not that major. And I must say that, there will be visible bruises in any part of her body since she fell down the stairs. She'll be feeling a lot of pain, especially on her back since that's where you saw her in an unconscious position which means she might've fell down the stairs and landed on her back. But no worries there are no fracture around her back and neck, but there is gonna be a big bruise around her back so i suggest you to take care of her very well and reduce the swelling by holding a cold compress. I will be leaving some painkillers for her as well. Make sure that she drinks it on the right time. Is that clear?

Felix: Yes. Thank you doctor.

Doctor: You're welcome my King. I will be going now.

Felix nodded and she bowed then left. Draken held the door open for her and she thanked him. Felix signed and watched her closely. He then looked at Draken's direction. Who was standing there with an unreadable face.

Felix: You're still here.

Draken: Yes.

Felix: Why? Do you need something?

Draken: No I don't but... Just wondering. Who would do this to her?

Felix: I have no idea. That's what I wanna know.

Draken: Do you think she might've fell down accidentally?

Felix: No that wouldn't make any sense because, look. She has an injury around her head that looked like it was purposely hit by someone. *Sigh* Someone did this to her. But who?

Draken: I have no idea I'm afraid.

Felix: *Sigh* Go ahead. Have a rest. It's almost night. You still have duty tomorrow.

Draken: As you wish my King.

Draken bowed and left the room. Leaving them both in silence. Felix sighed softly and laid down beside her.

Felix: Who would do this to you?

He asked himself. He shook his head and leaned his lips to her head.

Felix: Goodnight Rheyna.

He muttered under his breath. He signed and laid beside her while keeping her close to him. He closed his eyes to rest and relaxed. Soon sleep took over him.

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